Symbolic enumeration with the enum module
One of the special handy types found in the Python standard is the Enum class from the enum module. This is a base class that allows you to define symbolic enumerations, similar in concept to the enumerated types found in many other programming languages (C, C++, C#, Java, and many more) that are often denoted with the enum keyword.
In order to define your own enumeration in Python, you will need to subclass the Enum class and define all enumeration members as class attributes. The following is an example of a simple Python enum:
from enum import Enum
class Weekday(Enum): MONDAY = 0 TUESDAY = 1 WEDNESDAY = 2 THURSDAY = 3
The Python documentation defines the following nomenclature for enum:
- enumeration or enum: This is the subclass of Enum base class. Here, it would be Weekday.
- member: This is the attribute you define in the Enum subclass. Here, it would be Weekday.MONDAY, Weekday.TUESDAY, and so on.
- name: This is the name of the Enum subclass attribute that defines the member. Here, it would be MONDAY for Weekday.MONDAY, TUESDAY for Weekday.TUESDAY, and so on.
- value: This is the value assigned to the Enum subclass attribute that defines the member. Here, for Weekday.MONDAY it would be one, for Weekday.TUESDAY it would be two, and so on.
You can use any type as the enum member value. If the member value is not important in your code, you can even use the auto() type, which will be replaced with automatically generated values. Here is the previous example rewritten with the use of auto in it:
from enum import Enum, auto
class Weekday(Enum): MONDAY = auto() TUESDAY = auto() WEDNESDAY = auto() THURSDAY = auto()
FRIDAY = auto()
SATURDAY = auto()
SUNDAY = auto()
Enumerations in Python are really useful in every place where some variable can take a finite number of values/choices. For instance, they can be used to define statues of objects, as shown in the following example:
from enum import Enum, auto
class OrderStatus(Enum):
PENDING = auto()
PROCESSED = auto()
class Order:
def __init__(self):
self.status = OrderStatus.PENDING
def process(self):
if self.status == OrderStatus.PROCESSED:
raise RuntimeError(
"Can't process order that has "
"been already processed"
self.status = OrderStatus.PROCESSING
self.status = OrderStatus.PROCESSED
Another use case for enumerations is storing selections of non-exclusive choices. This is something that is often implemented using bit flags and bit masks in languages where bit manipulation of numbers is very common, like C. In Python, this can be done in a more expressive and convenient way using FlagEnum:
from enum import Flag, auto
class Side(Flag):
GUACAMOLE = auto()
TORTILLA = auto()
FRIES = auto()
BEER = auto()
You can combine such flags using bitwise operations (the | and & operators) and test for flag membership with the in keyword. Here are some examples for a Side enumeration:
>>> mexican_sides = Side.GUACAMOLE | Side.BEER | Side.TORTILLA
>>> bavarian_sides = Side.BEER | Side.POTATO_SALAD
>>> common_sides = mexican_sides & bavarian_sides
>>> Side.GUACAMOLE in mexican_sides
>>> Side.TORTILLA in bavarian_sides
>>> common_sides
<Side.BEER: 8>
Symbolic enumerations share some similarity with dictionaries and named tuples because they all map names/keys to values. The main difference is that the Enum definition is immutable and global. It should be used whenever there is a closed set of possible values that can't change dynamically during program runtime, and especially if that set should be defined only once and globally. Dictionaries and named tuples are data containers. You can create as many instances of them as you like.
The next section will describe various advanced syntax.