Getting help on a specific Vapor command
You can also get detailed information on a specific Vapor CLI command by inserting the command before the --help flag. For example, you use the following command to learn more about the vapor new feature:
$ vapor new --help
Vapor then prints out the detailed usage information about the new toolbox command:
Usage: vapor new <name> [--template] [--branch] [--tag] [--web] [--auth] [--api]
Creates a new Vapor application from a template.
Use --template=repo/template for github templates
Use --template=full-url-here.git for non github templates
Use --web to create a new web app
Use --auth to create a new authenticated API app
Use --api (default) to create a new API
name The application's executable name.
--template The template repository to clone.
Default: https://github.com/vapor/api-template.
--branch An optional branch to specify when cloning
--tag An optional tag to specify when cloning
--web Sets the template to the web template: https://github.com/vapor/web-template
--auth Sets the template to the auth template: https://github.com/vapor/auth-template
--api (Default) Sets the template to the api template: https://github.com/vapor/api-template