The IoT edge versus the I-IoT edge
There are a few fundamental differences between the IoT Edge and the I-IoT Edge. From the perspective of data collection, the IoT Edge manages from 10 to 50 measures per piece of equipment, whereas the I-IoT Edge can manage from 300 to 30,000 measures, gathering the data from multiple assets scattered across the entire production plant. The I-IoT Edge should also provide a simple way to configure measures from remote sites through the Edge Manager. Updating the signals to be monitored is a weekly activity that should be performed by the operations manager. Moreover, industrial security requires a strong cyber-security assessment and a high-fidelity architecture because we seldom connect the sensors over the internet directly. Fortunately, the I-IoT is less restrictive in terms of budgeting. When monitoring a fridge or a washer, we won't spend more than $50, whereas monitoring a $1,000,000 turbine would require a lot more money.
From the perspective of the computational architecture on the edge side, the IoT has introduced the concept of the fog.