For the next service, we will look into Secure Shell (SSH). SSH can be used to log in to a remote machine securely; apart from that, there are several other uses of SSH, such as securely transferring a file between machines, executing a command in a remote machine, and X11 session forwarding.
To manage your SSH service in Kali Linux, perform the following steps:
- To start the SSHD service from the command line, type the following:
service ssh start
- To test your SSH, you can log in to the Kali Linux server from another server using an SSH client such as Putty (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/), if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system.
- To stop the SSHD service, from the command line, type the following:
service ssh stop
- To start the SSH service automatically after Kali Linux boots up, you can give the following command:
update-rc.d ssh defaults
This command will add the SSH service to be started on booting up.