Verifying application functionality
After rebuilding and completing our application's startup, we should be able to access the mentioned web page in a browser at the following address: http://localhost:8080 (Spring Web MVC uses port 8080 for the web server as the default one. However, this can be changed in the application.properties file using the configuration line server.port=9090). After a few seconds, we may see the following output:
Connection opened
Temperature: 14.71 C
Temperature: 9.67 C
Temperature: 19.02 C
Connection closed
Connection opened
Temperature: 18.01 C
Temperature: 16.17 C
As we can see, our web page reactively receives events, preserving both client and server resources. It also supports autoreconnect in the case of network issues or timeouts. As the current solution is not exclusive to JavaScript, we may connect with other clients for example, curl. By running the next command in a terminal, we receive the following stream of raw, but not formatted, events:
> curl http://localhost:8080/temperature-stream