What this book covers
Chapter 1, What is Ansible?, is an introduction to Ansible and compares it with other configuration management tools.
Chapter 2, Ansible Setup and Configuration, explains how to set up and configure Ansible on multiple systems.
Chapter 3, Ansible Inventory and Playbook, is an introduction to and overview of Ansible Inventory and Playbook.
Chapter 4, Ansible Modules, covers Ansible's most often used modules with real-life sample usage code.
Chapter 5, Ansible Automated Infrastructure, enumerates Ansible's use cases for multiple infrastructures.
Chapter 6, Ansible Coding for Configuration Management, contains best practices for coding Ansible playbooks.
Chapter 7, Ansible Galaxy and Community Roles, is an introduction to Ansible community roles, usage, and contribution.
Chapter 8, Ansible Advanced Features, is an overview of some of Ansible's advanced features, such as Vault, plugins, and containers.