Creating Services through declarative syntax
We can accomplish a similar result as the one using kubectl expose through the svc/go-demo-2-svc.yml specification.
cat svc/go-demo-2-svc.yml
The output is as follows:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: go-demo-2 spec: type: NodePort ports: - port: 28017 nodePort: 30001 protocol: TCP selector: type: backend service: go-demo-2
You should be familiar with the meaning of apiVersion, kind, and metadata, so we'll jump straight into the spec section. Since we already explored some of the options through the kubectl expose command, the spec should be relatively easy to grasp.
The type of the Service is set to NodePort meaning that the ports will be available both within the cluster as well as from outside by sending requests to any of the nodes.
The ports section specifies that the requests should be forwarded to the Pods on port 28017. The nodePort is new. Instead of letting the service expose a random port, we set it to the explicit value of 30001. Even though, in most cases, that is not a good practice, I thought it might be a good idea to demonstrate that option as well. The protocol is set to TCP. The only other alternative would be to use UDP. We could have skipped the protocol altogether since TCP is the default value but, sometimes, it is a good idea to leave things as a reminder of an option.
The selector is used by the Service to know which Pods should receive requests. It works in the same way as ReplicaSet selectors. In this case, we defined that the service should forward requests to Pods with labels type set to backend and service set to go-demo. Those two labels are set in the Pods spec of the ReplicaSet.
Now that there's no mystery in the definition, we can proceed and create the Service.
kubectl create -f svc/go-demo-2-svc.yml kubectl get -f svc/go-demo-2-svc.yml
We created the Service and retrieved its information from the API server. The output of the latter command is as follows:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE go-demo-2 NodePort <none> 28017:30001/TCP 10m
Now that the Service is running (again), we can double-check that it is working as expected by trying to access MongoDB UI.
open "http://$IP:30001"
Since we fixed the nodePort to 30001, we did not have to retrieve the Port from the API server. Instead, we used the IP of the Minikube node and the hard-coded port 30001 to open the UI.

Let's take a look at the endpoint. It holds the list of Pods that should receive requests.
kubectl get ep go-demo-2 -o yaml
The output is as follows:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Endpoints metadata: creationTimestamp: 2017-12-12T16:00:51Z name: go-demo-2 namespace: default resourceVersion: "5196" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/default/endpoints/go-demo-2 uid: a028b9a7-df55-11e7-a8ef-080027d94e34 subsets: - addresses: - ip: nodeName: minikube targetRef: kind: Pod name: go-demo-2-j8kdw namespace: default resourceVersion: "5194" uid: ac70f868-df4d-11e7-a8ef-080027d94e34 - ip: nodeName: minikube targetRef: kind: Pod name: go-demo-2-5vlcc namespace: default resourceVersion: "5184" uid: ac7214d9-df4d-11e7-a8ef-080027d94e34 ports: - port: 28017 protocol: TCP
We can see that there are two subsets, corresponding to the two Pods that contain the same labels as the Service selector. Each has a unique IP that is included in the algorithm used when forwarding requests. Actually, it's not much of an algorithm. Requests will be sent to those Pods randomly. That randomness results in something similar to round-robin load balancing. If the number of Pods does not change, each will receive an approximately equal number of requests.
Random requests forwarding should be enough for most use cases. If it's not, we'd need to resort to a third-party solution (for now). However soon, when Kubernetes 1.9 gets released, we'll have an alternative to the iptables solution. We'll be able to apply different types of load balancing algorithms like last connection, destination hashing, newer queue, and so on. Still, the current solution is based on iptables, and we'll stick with it, for now.
Throughout the book, so far, I repeated a few times that our current Pod design is flawed. We have two containers (an API and a database) packaged together. Among other problems, that prevents us from scaling one without the other. Now that we learned how to use Services, we can redesign our Pod solution.
Before we move on, we'll delete the Service and the ReplicaSet we created:
kubectl delete -f svc/go-demo-2-svc.yml kubectl delete -f svc/go-demo-2-rs.yml
Both the ReplicaSet and the Service are gone, and we can start a new.