Preparing your Moodle workspace
If you have just established your first Moodle site, then there are a few things you'll need to prepare for the activities in the coming chapters. If you are working with an existing Moodle site, you may want to review the information presented here just to make sure you have everything you need to follow along. If you are a teacher and unable to create additional accounts, never fear, as Moodle offers the Switch role to... feature that allows you to view course activities from the student's perspective.
You will have to complete the following tasks:
- Create at least two user accounts, one to be assigned the role of teacher and the other to be assigned the role of student
- Create a new course shell for development and testing
- Assign roles within the new course shell to the accounts created in the first step
Now, rather than repeating the detailed administrator documentation that abounds on the web and in print, we will just direct you to the appropriate option in the ADMINISTRATION block for each activity listed here. We will also provide links to related documentation. For a more in-depth discussion of these administrative tasks and others, we encourage you to invest in training designed for Moodle administrators.