What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, explains what progressive web apps are and the advantages they offer.
Chapter 2, Creating a Home Screen Experience With a Web Manifest, introduces the web manifest file and explains how it is used by browsers to design the home screen and launch experience after a PWA is installed.
Chapter 3, Making Your Web Site Secure, explains why HTTPS is a modern web requirement and how it works.
Chapter 4, Service Workers - Notification, Synchronization, and Our Podcast App, introduces service workers, the Fetch API, and implementing push notifications.
Chapter 5, The Service Worker Life Cycle, demonstrates how service workers are installed and updated, and how to manage the process.
Chapter 6, Master the Cache API - Manage Web Assets in a Podcast Application, takes a deep dive into how the service worker cache API works.
Chapter 7, Service Worker Caching Patterns, reviews common caching patterns you can use in your applications.
Chapter 8, Applying Advanced Service Worker Cache Strategies, applies caching strategies with invalidation techniques.
Chapter 9, Optimizing for Performance, explains what web performance optimization is and introduces some tools you can use to measure page load times to improve progressive web apps.
Chapter 10, Service Worker Tools, reviews four helpful tools to make developing and managing progressive web apps easier and more consistent.