About the author
Sudharsan Ravichandiran is a data scientist, researcher, artificial intelligence enthusiast, and YouTuber (search for Sudharsan reinforcement learning). He completed his bachelors in information technology at Anna University. His area of research focuses on practical implementations of deep learning and reinforcement learning, which includes natural language processing and computer vision. He used to be a freelance web developer and designer and has designed award-winning websites. He is an open source contributor and loves answering questions on Stack Overflow.
I would like to thank my amazing parents and my brother, Karthikeyan, for constantly inspiring and motivating me throughout this journey. My big thanks and gratitude to my bestest friend, Nikhil Aditya, who is literally the bestest, and to my editor, Amrita, and to my Soeor. Without all their support, it would have been impossible to complete this book.