Adding more Todos to the database
Over inside of Postman, we can add a few more Todos, which is what I'm going to do. Charge my phone—I don't think I've ever needed to be reminded of that one—and we'll add Take a break for lunch. In the Pretty section, we see the Charge my phone Todo was created with a unique ID. I'm going to send off the second one, and we'll see that the Take a break for lunch Todo was created:

Over inside of Robomongo, we can give our todos collection a final refresh. I'm going to expand those last three items, and they are indeed the three items we created in Postman:

Now that we have some meaningful work done in our project, let's go ahead and commit our changes. As you can see over in Atom, the server directory is green, meaning that it hasn't been added to Git, and the package.json file is orange, which means that it's been modified, even though Git is tracking it. Over in the Terminal we can shut down the server, and I always like to run git status to do a sanity check:

Here, everything does look as expected. I can it using git add . to add everything, followed by one more sanity check:

Here, we have our four new files in the server folder, as well as our package.json file.
Now, it's time to make that commit. I'm going to create a quick commit. I'm using the -am flag, which usually adds modified files. Since I already used add, I can simply use the -m flag, like we've been doing all the way through the course. A good message for this one would be something like Add POST /todos route and refactor mongoose:
git commit -m 'Add POST /todos route and refractor mongoose'
With the commit in place, we can now wrap things up by pushing it up to GitHub, making sure it's backed up, and making sure it's available for anyone else collaborating on the project. Remember, creating a commit alone does not get it up on GitHub; you've got to push that with another command, namely git push. With that in place, it's now time to move on to the next section, where you will be testing the route you just created.