How to do it...
In the src/bin folder, create a file called stdin.rs
Add the following code and run it with cargo run --bin stdin:
1 use std::io;
2 use std::io::prelude::*;
4 fn main() {
5 print_single_line("Please enter your forename: ");
6 let forename = read_line_iter();
8 print_single_line("Please enter your surname: ");
9 let surname = read_line_buffer();
11 print_single_line("Please enter your age: ");
12 let age = read_number();
14 println!(
15 "Hello, {} year old human named {} {}!",
16 age, forename, surname
17 );
18 }
20 fn print_single_line(text: &str) {
21 // We can print lines without adding a newline
22 print!("{}", text);
23 // However, we need to flush stdout afterwards
24 // in order to guarantee that the data actually displays
25 io::stdout().flush().expect("Failed to flush stdout");
26 }
28 fn read_line_iter() -> String {
29 let stdin = io::stdin();
30 // Read one line of input iterator-style
31 let input = stdin.lock().lines().next();
32 input
33 .expect("No lines in buffer")
34 .expect("Failed to read line")
35 .trim()
36 .to_string()
37 }
39 fn read_line_buffer() -> String {
40 // Read one line of input buffer-style
41 let mut input = String::new();
42 io::stdin()
43 .read_line(&mut input)
44 .expect("Failed to read line");
45 input.trim().to_string()
46 }
48 fn read_number() -> i32 {
49 let stdin = io::stdin();
50 loop {
51 // Iterate over all lines that will be inputted
52 for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
53 let input = line.expect("Failed to read line");
54 // Try to convert a string into a number
55 match input.trim().parse::<i32>() {
56 Ok(num) => return num,
57 Err(e) => println!("Failed to read number: {}", e),
58 }
59 }
60 }
61 }