In this chapter, we looked at how we can set up our development environment and how Vue is being used in many products throughout the industry. We've learned that Vue is a simple, yet powerful frontend development framework. As well as this, we've considered how Vue shapes up when compared to other popular projects, such as Angular and React. We've also looked at how Vue works with other technologies, such as NativeScript, to create cross-platform native mobile applications. Finally, we've investigated SSR at a high level and set the stage for chapters to come. Hopefully, by now you're convinced that Vue is worth learning, and you're looking forward to taking advantage of all it has to offer!
In the next chapter, we'll be looking at the Vue CLI and how to take advantage of tools such as Webpack to create our Vue projects. As well as this, we'll look at how to take advantage of static types and tooling with TypeScript and reactive observable patterns with RxJS within Vue.