How to do it...
- Open the console and create the folder chapter02/recipe01.
- Navigate to the directory.
- Create the contains.go file with the following content:
package main
import (
const refString = "Mary had a little lamb"
func main() {
lookFor := "lamb"
contain := strings.Contains(refString, lookFor)
fmt.Printf("The \"%s\" contains \"%s\": %t \n", refString,
lookFor, contain)
lookFor = "wolf"
contain = strings.Contains(refString, lookFor)
fmt.Printf("The \"%s\" contains \"%s\": %t \n", refString,
lookFor, contain)
startsWith := "Mary"
starts := strings.HasPrefix(refString, startsWith)
fmt.Printf("The \"%s\" starts with \"%s\": %t \n", refString,
startsWith, starts)
endWith := "lamb"
ends := strings.HasSuffix(refString, endWith)
fmt.Printf("The \"%s\" ends with \"%s\": %t \n", refString,
endWith, ends)
- Run the code by executing go run contains.go.
- See the output in the Terminal: