Time for action - setting up Active Directory authentication
Let us enable LDAP/Active Directory integration.
- Log on to your Cacti web interface as an admin user.
- Glick on the Settings link under the Configuration section.
- On the new page that shows up, click on the Authentication tab to bring up the settings for authentication.
- Select LDAP Authentication from the Authentication Method drop-down box.
- Select No User as the Guest User.
- Select _CustomerA_user as the User Template.
- Enter the IP address of your domain controller into the Server field.
- As the Distinguished Name (DN), enter <username>@MYDOMAIN.local and replace MYDOMAIN.local with your domain name.
- Hit the Save button:

You just enabled your Cacti server to authenticate users against an LDAP/Active Directory server. Users can now log on to your Cacti system without you needing to have them created first. Although this is good for internal only servers, for Cacti servers hosting graphs for multiple customers, the permissions for these users still need to be changed.
Cacti 1.x also allows you to have multiple LDAP/AD servers enabled. This is especially useful if you want to authenticate different customer to different LDAP/AD groups. Each of these servers also has their own template users, which allows you to set up a multi-customer environment far more easily.