What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introducing Windows Server, provides you with an introduction to Windows Server 2016. Right at the beginning of this chapter, there is a recap of the most basic concepts of computer networks. So, this chapter is organized into two parts, where each part attempts to provide a concise yet complete description. Definitions such as hosts, nodes, peer-to-peer, and clients/servers are covered in the Computer network overview section.
Chapter 2, Installing Windows Server, provides you with detailed instructions for installing Windows Server 2016. The step-by-step instructions, driven by easy-to-understand graphics, show you how to master the installation of Windows Server 2016. You will quickly learn how to perform the installation process without hitting any obstacles. It is an excellent collection of how-to tips and provides information on getting the job done easily.
Chapter 3, Post-Installation Tasks in Windows Server, explains the steps to take in Windows Server post-installation, including managing devices and device drivers, checking the registry and the status of services, and taking care of the initial server configuration. As you may notice, this chapter is pided into three parts. Each topic is accompanied by step-by-step instructions driven by targeted, easy-to-understand graphics.
Chapter 4, Directory Services in Windows Server, shows you now that you have learned how to install Windows Server 2016 and run the initial server configuration, it is time to set up the very first services in your organization's IT infrastructure. With that in mind, this chapter explains directory services. Additionally, you will become familiar with Organizational Units (OUs), default containers, user accounts, and groups so that you can organize the user and computer accounts in your domain.
Chapter 5, Adding Roles to Windows Server, provides a broader explanation of what a role is, as well as the importance of roles in determining the server's function when providing network services. You will also get to know all the roles and features that Windows Server 2016 supports. You will learn how to add roles to your server, as well as the requirements after you have added roles so that you can set up your server whenever it is required.
Chapter 6, Virtualization with Windows Server, teaches you about virtualization concepts, as well as getting you familiar with the Hyper-V software, which enables the virtualization of Windows-based servers. You will find out the steps it takes to add the Hyper-V role to your server, get familiar with Hyper-V Manager, and learn the steps it takes to create virtual machines. That way, you will be able to understand what virtualization is, and how you can enable the Hyper-V role and create virtual machines.
Chapter 7, Group Policy in Windows Server, helps you gain an understanding of Group Policy (GP) in Windows Server. You will learn about GP processing, become familiar with the GP Management Console, find out about both computer and user policies, and get to know about local policies for when your server is not part of a domain. At the same time, you will learn the steps involved in configuring computer and user policies in a domain-based network.
Chapter 8, Storing Data in Windows Server, explains storage technologies. Other than understanding storage technologies in general, you will learn about a variety of related topics. These include physical interfaces and disk controllers. We will also explore how data is stored in a medium, storage system types used in network environments, and various storage protocols. You will get to know the concepts and types of RAID.
Chapter 9, Tuning and Maintaining Windows Server, covers the best practices and considerations for server hardware. By understanding the importance of a server's role in a computer network, and learning about of each server component, we can be vigilant when selecting server hardware. In addition, this chapter teaches you server performance monitoring methodologies and procedures. Performance monitoring will help you identify the cause of server performance issues at an early stage.
Chapter 10, Updating and Troubleshooting Windows Server, outlines the server startup process; advanced boot options and Safe Mode; backup and restore; disaster recovery plan; and updating the OS, hardware, and software. Event Viewer is mentioned too, and it will help you monitor different logs in your system, thus helping you to troubleshoot and solve the problem. In this way, you will be able to minimize downtime, which from a business point of view is expressed in money loss.
Appendix A, Studying and Passing the MTA 98-365 Exam, provides you with the detailed objectives of the MTA 98-365 exam, as well as the chapter reference for each and every objective so you can find more information in this book on the respective objectives. Last but not least, learn and practice as much as you can with the technology in general, and Windows Server 2016 in particular, because only by doing so will you be able to gain the skills to administer Windows Server 2016 and pass the exam without difficulties.
Appendix B, Examples of GPOs for Sysadmins, provides you with some of the most used GPOs in Windows Server-based networks. There are thousands of policies in GP, who’s the main purpose is to configure and manage Windows-based computers. Nonetheless, the other purpose of the examples is to show how the work is done with GPOs.
Appendix C, Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows Server, provides you with the majority of Windows key combinations in Windows Server 2016. In general in Windows OSes, besides working with the mouse, there is also the alternative to use a single key or keyboard keystrokes to do something that you would typically do with a mouse. You will notice that throughout this book keyboard shortcuts are used to perform certain actions in Windows Server 2016 without using a mouse.
Appendix D, Answers to Chapter Questions, provides you the answers to chapter questions. As you have noticed, each chapter is accompanied by a considerable number of questions to help you reinforce the concepts and definitions provided. In this appendix, you can find the answers to questions so you can compare your answers with the answers in the book.