Parsing complex structures
The real power of the fromJS() function is its ability to turn complex JavaScript objects into complex immutable collections:
const myMap = fromJS({
a: {
b: ['c', 'd'],
e: {
f: 'g',
h: 'i'
'myMap nested list',
myMap.getIn(['a', 'b']).toJS()
// -> myMap nested list [ 'c', 'd' ]
console.log('myMap nested value', myMap.getIn(['a', 'b', 1]));
// -> myMap nested value d
The fromJS() function will recursively transform native JavaScript structures into their immutable counterparts; this means for both lists and maps. One use case for this function is when the initial data that your application uses is based on JSON data, and you need a way to translate it into Immutable.js collections. Without fromJS(), this would be deceptively difficult.