IoT Projects with Bluetooth Low Energy

What is Bluetooth Low Energy?

The internet of things will augment your brain.
– Eric Schmidt

At a very basic level IoT can be described as a network of things (physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and what not), which when augmented with sensors and servers enables these objects or things to collect and exchange data. A major driver behind this growth has been the advent of a comparatively lesser-known technology known as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

In this chapter, we discuss this technology in the light of the following topics:

  • An Overview of Bluetooth Low Energy
  • The Need for Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Bluetooth Low Energy versus Bluetooth Classic
  • Architecture of Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Profiles
  • Services
  • Characteristics
  • Indications
  • Notifications
  • Bluetooth 5, Meshes, and Beacons