Configure SIP and make the first calls in demo dialplan
We're almost ready for the real emotions, when something rings and blinks. Right after installation FreeSWITCH gets a demo example configuration complete with a lot of features. A very complex dialplan has been laid out for you to play with, and feel the power of FreeSWITCH.
NB: That dialplan is just a demo, don't use it in production. Is overcomplex and has too much features, you do not know it, and so is outside your control.
Demo example dialplan and configuration are just that: demo examples. When you finish play with them, delete them and build something that's right for your use case. If you are not able, ask someone else, a friend or a consultant, to do it for you. Any other behavior would be stupid and dangerous from a legal and financial standpoint. You have been warned! :)