About the Author
Michael Heydt is a technologist, entrepreneur, and educator with decades of professional software development and financial and commodities trading experience. He has worked extensively on Wall Street specializing in the development of distributed, actor-based, high-performance, and high-availability trading systems. He is currently founder of Micro Trading Services, a company that focuses on creating cloud and micro service-based software solutions for finance and commodities trading. He holds a master's in science in mathematics and computer science from Drexel University, and an executive master's of technology management from the University of Pennsylvania School of Applied Science and the Wharton School of Business.
I would really like to thank the team at Packt for continuously pushing me to create and revise this and my other books. I would also like to greatly thank my family for putting up with me disappearing for months on end during my sparse free time to indulge in creating this content. They are my true inspiration.