Downloading the software and connecting the Galileo to a Mac
If you are using an OS X machine, download the OS X version of the IDE software at https://communities.intel.com/docs/DOC-22226. Unzip this file into your Applications
folder. Then connect the 5V power to the Galileo. Connect the USB cable from the Galileo to an available USB socket on your computer. Wait for a minute while the Galileo boots up. To verify that the Galileo has loaded properly, open the System Information window. Then check under the USB tab for a Gadget Serial v2.4 entry as demonstrated in the following screenshot:

You should also check under the Network tab to find the device name of your Galileo. It should be something like usbmodemXXXX. Note down this name as you will need it to select the correct port later when you configure the connection to the Galileo. You are now ready to run the software.