- Why must websites be stateless in order to be scalable?
- Which Azure services can be used to implement decoupled messaging between system tiers?
- What does the term sharding mean in storage?
- If we were building a small business system on a limited budget, which needs a customer website and administration system, why should we choose to build a website for the administration system?
- What is the cheapest web tier for hosting a site with a custom domain?
- Why is it important to identify the most critical parts of a system?
- If we need to store large volumes of structured but nonrelational data, what will be a suitable storage option?
- What purpose does a QA environment serve for a system?
- Why do we need to be careful when using deployment slots on websites?
- If we use a cloud service staging slot as a QA environment, what should we remember to do after we swap it with live?
- Think about a small system you have worked on in the past and try to design it to run on Azure. Break down the system into logical subsystems and choose suitable Azure services for each system. Factor in scalability and cost in your design.
- Do the same as question 11, but this time, for a larger system you've worked on. If it spans multiple business domains and needs to include legacy platforms and applications, it's even better!