About the Author
Jean-Baptiste Onofré is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and he has been involved in Apache projects for the past 10 years. He is the PMC chair of Apache Karaf and its subprojects, including Cellar, Cave, and EIK.
He is also a PMC member of Apache ACE, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache Syncope, and he is a committer for Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Archiva, Apache Aries, Apache Camel, and Apache jClouds.
He is currently working for Talend (http://www.talend.com) as a software architect and is a member of the Talend Apache team.
He writes articles on Java technologies for Linux Magazine France and has worked as a reviewer for Apache ServiceMix How-To, Henryk Konsek, and Learning Apache Karaf, Johan Edstrom, Jamie Goodyear, and Heath Kesler. Both of these books are published by Packt Publishing. He is currently reviewing Apache Karaf Cookbook, Johan Edstrom, Jamie Goodyear, Heath Kesler, and Achim Nierbeck, Packt Publishing.
He has also given speeches about Apache projects (Karaf, Camel, and so on) at different conferences, especially at ApacheCon NA, ApacheCon Europe, and CamelOne.
I would like to thank the whole Karaf team, especially Guillaume Nodet, Achim Nierbeck, Jamie Goodyear, Ioannis Canellos, and all others. We are a great team, and you all do a great job.
I would also like to thank my wife, Lucile, who accepted that I spent some nights on this book.