Chapter 2. Using Input Components and Forms – Time to Listen to Users
You must be feeling eager to get more of Vaadin. What if we take a look at some of the input components Vaadin has to offer? In this chapter, we will take a closer look at the main components for retrieving and processing all the data that users want your application to be aware of. Read this chapter and you will be able to develop a lot of new useful rich Internet applications using Vaadin.
This chapter will cover the following topics:
- Separating business classes from UI classes
- Responding to value changes in input components
- Getting and setting the value of input components
- Tooltips and error indicators
- Underlying Vaadin technologies
- UI components hierarchy
- Vaadin's data model
- Comboboxes, checkboxes, text areas, option groups, twin column selects, and date/time pickers
- File uploading
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