What this book covers
Planing your lessons (Must know) will take you through the Planbook application, using which you can carry out your regular lesson planning on your iad.
Keeping your notes (Must know) is aimed at making your management easier by syncing them and accessing them everywhere using the Evernote app. You can also put pictures, links and other resources associated to your topic with your notes.
Creating presentations and charts (Must know) will explain how the Keynote app on your iPad can be used to create and share interactive presentations and 3D charts.
Carrying your textbooks (Must know) will talk about accessing your textbooks and other reference books through the iBooks app. It will discuss the additional features quick references and interactive images that you get with these eBooks.
Recording attendance and student profiles (Must know) will enable you to make the cumbersome task of attendance and student behavior recordingeasier by using the Teacher's Pro app.
Making quick references (Must know) is aimed at making you comfortable withSafari and its various features, so you can have a quick, handy lookup during your class or outside whenever you need to. It will also talk about accessing the dictionary and encyclopedia on your iPad.
Using Projectors and Interacting (Must know)lists all the requirements for projecting the content of your iPad a display monitor for the entire class and explains how to do it.
Connec with your subject (Must know) will cover popular, subject specific applications available in the AppStore. This chapter will in detail talk about apps of basic subjects mathematics and science and how they can help in making your class more interesting.
Creating and manag timetables (Must know) will talk about creating weekly timetables and schedules and distributing them to students via email. It will explain the Classes Liteapplication that is suitable for you even if you are teaching multiple classes.
Interactive books for kids (Should know) will explain how you can create interactive eBooks for kids using the Demibooks® Composer app. The chapter will also introduce some interactive eBooks for kids, which are available in the AppStore.
Educating students with special needs (Should know) will talk about how an iPad can be used to improve the communication skills and other learning aspects of children suffering from dyslexia and autism.
Teaching art, craft and practical skills (Should know) will describe apps Animation Desk™, Procreate – Sketch, paint, create,SketchBook Pro and how you can create and teach to create wonderful pieces of art through these apps.
Teaching music on iPad (Advanced) will tell you how the little device can be converted into a number of musical instruments a piano, guitar, drums . It also talks about recording your and your students' musical creations and to them later when required.
Teaching using 3D resources (Advanced) is aimed at making classes interesting and interactive for your students. It discusses few applications that use 3D modeling very aptly to teach some of the toughest subjects.
Publishing your learning material (Advanced) is aimed at giving you the power to create your own multimedia eBooks, make them interactive and publish them for your students.
Learning iPad tips and tricks (Advanced) will take you through an app called Tips and Tricks - iPad Secrets. This app will tell you about some known and lesser-known features of the iPadthat can make your regular work quick and easy.
iTunes U (Advanced) will talk about accessing organized coursework from around the world over your iPad. It will also talk about how you can publish and distribute your own coursework.