Becoming an iOS developer
Creating iOS LiveCode applications requires that LiveCode must have access to the iOS SDK. This is installed as a part of the Xcode developer tools, and that is a Mac-only program. Also, when you do upload an app to the iOS App Store, the application that is used is also Mac-only, and is also part of the Xcode installation. If you are a Windows-based developer and wish to develop and publish for iOS, then you will need either a virtual machine that can run Mac OS, or an actual Mac.
The biggest difference between becoming an Android developer and an iOS developer is that you have to sign up with Apple for their developer program, even if you never produce an app for the iOS App Store. If things go well, and you end up making an app for the various stores, then this isn't such a big deal. It will have cost you $25 to be able to submit to the Android Market, $99 a year (with the first year free) to submit to the Amazon Appstore, and $99 a year (including the first year) to be an iOS developer with Apple. Just sell more than 300 copies of your amazing $0.99 app, and it's paid for itself!
Your starting point for iOS is http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/.

When signing up to be an iOS developer, there are four possibilities when it comes to your current status. If you already have an Apple ID, that you might use with your Apple online store purchases, or perhaps your iTunes Store purchases, then you could choose the I already have an Apple ID… option. In order to illustrate all of the steps in signing up, we will choose to start as a brand new user.

You can choose to sign up as an individual or as a company. We will choose Individual.

As with any such sign-up process, you will need to enter your personal details, set a security question, and enter your postal address.

Most Apple software and services have their own legal agreement for you to sign. This one is the general Registered Apple Developer Agreement.

In order to verify the e-mail address you have used, a verification e-mail is sent to you, with a link in the e-mail to click on, or you can enter the code manually. Once you have completed the verification step, you can enter your billing details.
It could be that you will go on to make LiveCode applications for the Mac App Store, in which case you would also need to add the Mac Developer Program product. For our purposes, we only need to sign up for iOS Developer Program.

Each product that you sign up for has its own agreement. Lots of small print to read!
The actual purchasing of the iOS developer account is handled through the Apple Store for your region.

As you will see, it is going to cost you $99 per year, or $198 per year if you also signed up for the Mac Developer account. Most LiveCode users won't need to sign up for the Mac Developer account, unless the plan is to also submit desktop apps to the Mac App Store.

After submitting the order, you are rewarded by being told that you are now registered as an Apple Developer!
Sadly, it's not an instant approval, as was the case with the Android Market or Amazon Appstore. You have up to five days to wait for the approval. In the early iPhone Developer days, it could take a month or more, so 24 hours is an improvement!

Pop quiz — iOS code names
You had it easy with the pop quiz about Android OS code names! Not so with iOS.
- Which of these names is more likely to be a code name for a future version of iOS?
- a. Las Vegas
- b. Laguna Beach
- c. Hunter Mountain
- d. Death Valley