Outgoing calls
In order to make your system useful, you need a way to dial out to the "real world". This section will cover dialing out to the PSTN and allow you to connect to land lines, cellular phones, and so on. In this recipe, we'll make an extension that will allow an outbound call to any valid US number. We'll attempt to complete the call using the gateway named our_sip_provider
Getting ready
Making outbound calls requires you to know the numbering format that your provider requires. For example, do they require all 11 digits for US dialing? Or will they accept 10? In our example, we're going to assume that our provider will accept a 10-digit format for US dialing.
How to do it...
Routing outbound calls is simply a matter of creating a dialplan entry. Follow these steps:
- Create a new file in
. Add the following text:<include> <extension name="outbound_calls"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^1?([2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{6})$"> <action application="bridge " data="sofia/gateway/our_sip_provider/$1"/> </condition> </extension> </include>
- Save your XML file and press F6 or issue the
command at thefs_cli
How it works...
Assuming you have a phone set up on the default
context, our regular expression will match any destination_number
that follows the US dialing format (10 or 11 digits) and send the call to our_sip_provider
in a 10-digit format.
There's more...
The regular expression matching in FreeSWITCH allows the possibility of having very powerful conditions. You can also match caller_id_number
to route calls from a user at extension 1011 out to the second gateway called our_sip_provider2
and everyone else at the our_sip_provider
. Consider the following alternative outbound_calls.xml
<include> <extension name="outbound_calls_from_1011"> <condition field="caller_id_number" expression="^1011$"/> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^1?([2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{6})$"> <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/our_sip_provider2/$1"/> </condition> </extension> <extension name="outbound_calls"> <condition field="destination_number" expression="^1?([2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{6})$"> <action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/our_sip_provider/$1"/> </condition> </extension> </include>
Note that we have two extensions. The first one tries to match the caller_id_number
field to the value 1011. If it matches 1011, then the call gets sent out to the our_sip_provider2
gateway, otherwise the second extension is matched and the call goes out to the our_sip_provider
gateway. Note that we use $1
to capture the matching value in the conditions' expressions. In each case, we capture exactly 10 digits which correspond to the area code (three digits), exchange (three digits), and phone number (four digits). These are North American Numbering Plan (NANPA) numbers. The regular expression used to capture dialed digits will vary depending upon the country.
Regular expressions can be a challenge. There are a number of examples with explanations on the FreeSWITCH wiki. See http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Regular_Expression for further details.
See also
- The Configuring a SIP phone to register with FreeSWITCH and Configuring a SIP gateway sections in Chapter 2, Connecting Telephones and Service Providers