XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide(Visual Basic Edition)

Time for action – updating Game1 to update animated pieces

  1. Modify the Update() method of the Game1 class by replacing the current case statement for the GameState.Playing state with the following:
    Case GameStates.Playing
        timeSinceLastInput +=
        If _gameBoard.ArePiecesAnimating() Then
            Dim y As Integer
            For y = 0 To GameBoard.GameBoardHeight
            If (timeSinceLastInput >= MinTimeSinceLastInput) Then
            End If
        End If

What just happened?

This method is very similar to its previous incarnation. In this instance, we check to see if there are outstanding animated pieces to process. If there are, then UpdateAnimatedPieces() will run. If no animated pieces currently exist, the previous behavior of the GameStates.Playing case is executed.

Drawing animated pieces

Our animated pieces are almost completed. In fact, they all function right now, but you cannot see them because we have not yet updated Draw() to take them into account.