2.3 岩土力学 Rock and soil mechanics
(1)岩土物理特性 Rock(soil)physical properties
粒度 granularity
粒组 fraction
比表面积 specific surface area
颗粒级配 gradation of grain
限制粒径 constrained diameter
有效粒径 effective diameter
平均粒径 mean diameter,mean particle size
不均匀系数 coefficient of uniformity
比重 specific gravity
容重 unit weigth
密度 density
天然密度 natural density
饱和密度 saturated density
浮密度 submerged density
干密度 dry density
质量密度 mass density
重力密度 force(weight)density
相对密度 relative density
孔隙率 porosity
孔隙比 void ratio
紧密密度 compaction density
堆积密度 piling density
很松 very loose
松 loose
中密 medium dense
密 dense
很密 very dense
含水量(含水率) water content,moisture content
最优含水量 optimum water content
饱和度 degree of saturation
阿太堡限度 Atterberg limit
液限 liquid limit
塑限 plastic limit
缩限 shrinkage limit
塑性指数 plasticity index
液性指数 liquidity index
土的固结 consolidation of soil
先期固结压力 preconsolidation pressure
超固结比 over-consolidation ratio
正常固结土 normally consolidated soil
欠固结土 underconsolidated soil
次固结 secondary consolidation
固结度 consolidation degree
固结系数 consolidation coefficient
稠度状态 consistency state
固态 solid state
半固态 semi-solid state
塑态 plastic state
液态 liquid state
稠度试验 consistency test
土体的沉降 settlement of soil mass
初始压缩曲线 initial compression curve,virgin compression curve
现场初始压缩曲线 field initial compression curve
密实度 compactness
容许(允许)变形 allowable deformation
湿陷性黄土特性 characteristics of collapsible loess
湿陷系数 coefficient of collapsibility
自重湿陷系数 coefficient of self weight collapsibility
湿陷起始压力 initial collapse pressure
膨胀 expansion,swelling
膨胀系数 coefficient of expansion(swelling)
膨胀率 expansion ratio,specific expansion
膨胀速率 rate of swelling
饱和湿胀应力 saturation swelling stress
动力黏度 dynamic viscosity
运动黏度 kinematic viscosity
(2)岩土力学参数 Rock(soil)mechanical properties
岩石力学 rock mechanics
土力学 soil mechanics
各向同性 isotropy
各向异性 anisotropy
各向异性岩体 anisotropic rock mass
岩石强度 rock strength
抗压强度 compressive strength
单轴抗压强度 uniaxial compressive strength
无侧限抗压强度 unconfined compressive strength
干抗压强度 dry compressive strength
饱和抗压强度 saturated compressive strength
软化系数 softening coefficient
点荷载强度 point load strength
抗拉强度 tensile strength
单轴抗拉强度 uniaxial tensile strength
劈裂强度 splitting strength
抗弯强度(抗折强度) bending strength
岩体强度 rock mass strength
结构面强度 discontinuity strength
抗剪强度 shear strength
抗剪强度(纯摩强度) shear strength,shear-friction strength
抗剪断强度(剪摩强度) shear-rupture strength
摩擦系数 coefficient of friction
外摩擦角 angle of external friction
内摩擦角 angle of internal friction
黏聚力(凝聚力) cohesion
总应力强度 total stress strength
有效应力强度 effective stress strength
峰值强度 peak strength
残余强度 residual strength
长期强度 long term strength
极限强度 ultimate strength
破坏包线 failure envelope
岩石完整性指数 integrity index of rock
普氏坚固系数 M.M.Protogiakonov's coefficient
岩石质量指标 rock quality designation(RQD)
最小二乘法 least square method
优定斜率法 optimum slope method
点群中心法 point group center method
折减系数 reduction factor,coefficient of reduction
应力包络线 stress envelope
(3)岩土变形特性参数 Rock(soil)deformation properties
弹性模量 elasticity modulus
变形模量 deformation modulus
剪切模量 shear modulus
黏弹性模量 viscoelastic modulus
压缩模量 compression modulus
弹性变形 elastic deformation
塑性变形 plastic deformation
弹塑性变形 elastic-plastic deformation
黏弹性变形 viscoelastic deformation
黏滞塑性变形 visco-plastic deformation
均匀变形 homogeneous deformation,uniform deformation
不均匀变形 inhomogeneous deformation,non-uniform deformation
不可恢复变形 (永久变形) irreversible deformation
屈服变形 yield deformation
应变软化 strain softening
应变硬化 strain hardening
屈服强度 yield strength
屈服标准 yield criterion
屈服极限 yield limit
突变段 sharp transition
蠕变变形 creep deformation
蠕变破坏 creep rupture
蠕变曲线 creep curve
蠕变试验 creep test
流变 rheology,flowing deformation
流变特性 rheological behavior
(4)工程岩体分类 Classification of engineering rock mass
坝基岩体工程地质分类 engineering geological classification of rock mass for dam foundation
坚硬岩 hard rock
中硬岩 moderately hard rock
软质岩 soft rock
抗滑 sliding resistance
抗变形 deformation resistance
地下硐室围岩工程地质分类 engineering geological classification of surrounding rocks for underground chambers
岩体分类Q系统 Q-system of rock mass classification
围岩 surrounding rock
极好围岩 excellent surrounding rock
好围岩 good surrounding rock
一般围岩 fair surrounding rock
差围岩 poor surrounding rock
很差围岩 very poor surrounding rock
岩体评分系统 rock mass rating(RMR)
围岩稳定 surrounding rock stability
基本稳定 basically stable
局部不稳定 locally unstable
不稳定 unstable
非常不稳定 very unstable
长期稳定性 long-term stability
短期稳定性 short-term stability
整体稳定性 overall stability
岩体完整程度 rock mass integrity
完整 integral
较完整 relatively integral
完整性差 poorly integral
较破碎 relatively crushed
破碎 crushed
结构面发育程度 development degree of discontinuity
不发育 undeveloped
轻微发育 slightly developed
中等发育 moderately developed
较发育 relatively developed
发育 developed
很发育 very developed
岩体完整程度评分 rating of rock mass integrity
结构面状态评分 rating of discontinuity conditions
地下水条件评分 rating of ground water conditions
干燥到渗水 dry to seep
滴水 drip
线状流水 linear running water
涌水 water gushing
主要结构面产状评分 rating of orientation of main discontinuity
裂隙产状修正评分 rating adjustment for joint orientation
围岩总评分 total rating of surrounding rock
围岩强度应力比 strength-stress ratio of surrounding rock
岩体完整性 integrity of rock mass
岩体完整性系数 intactness coefficient of rock mass
(5)地应力 Geostatic stress
初始应力 initial stress
自重应力 self-weight stress
残余应力 residual stress
构造应力 tectonic stress
感生应力 induced stress
附加应力 superimposed stress
地应力场 ground stress field,geostatic stress field
主应力 principal stress
最大主应力 maximum principal stress
中间主应力 intermediate principal stress
最小主应力 minimum principal stress
应力水平 stress level
应力历史 stress history
应力状态 stress state
侧压力 lateral pressure
应力重分布 stress redistribution
周边应力 circumferential stress
应力集中 stress concentration
饼状岩芯 disk-shaped rock core
岩芯饼化 core disking
围岩应力 surrounding rock stress
岩石压力 rock pressure
应力松弛 stress relaxation
松弛区 relaxed zone
松动区 loosened zone
围岩偏压 non-uniform rock pressure