Sue and Bill in L.A. Chinatown, Jun. 1981
Sue and Bill cut the wedding cake, Taipei, Dec. 1981
Brown’s Family photo, Summer 1988
Lixi and Matt, 1988 (To read more in 9 Half the Sky)
On the plane to H.K., Aug. 1988, then 18-hour boot ride to Xiamen
The Browns’ first wheels in Amoy, Oct. 1988
Matt with Xiamen fishermen, Xiamen harbor, Oct. 1988
Brown’ s family photo, Xiamen, 1989
Sue cooking on the balcony, Mar. 1989
Bill Teaching MBA students, XMU, Apr. 1989
Bill’s family invited international guests for Christmas, XMU Foreign Experts’ guest-house, 1989
A turkey for Thanksgiving, 1991
Bill poling a bamboo raft, Fujian Wuyishan, Jul. 1993
Bill’s boys visited him in the H.K. hospital after cancer surgery, Dec. 1999
The Brown family, Mar. 2000
Bill voted as one of Xiamen’ s most influential people, Dec. 2011
Matt married Jessica, Jun. 2013
Letters from 1988-2017, Bill shares his lives in China with his family members and friends in the U.S.