2.1 Basic Provisions
2.1.1 Cabling duct shall be installed as a structure of duct-centered installation whole,and connected to each other by connectors and building components.
2.1.2 Cabling duct installation height shall be designed by giving overall consideration to telecommunication equipment height,convenience for construction and maintenance,etc.
2.1.3 Cabling duct may be installed by stages.However,short-term engineering needs and convenience for cabling duct reinforcement shall be considered as the premise.Installation of cabling duct should be completed at a time in the case of a relatively small room.
2.1.4 Cabling rack(duct)installed within a row shall adopt products or components with the same specification.
2.1.5 Standardized,general-purpose steel or aluminum alloy components and parts which satisfy telecommunication equipment installation requirements shall be adopted in engineering design according to needs and local conditions.
2.1.6 Clear distance between cabinet rows shall comply with relevant design specification(s).
2.1.7 In a machine room with earthquake fortification intensity at and above 6,cabling duct shall be provided with seismic reinforcement measures.