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On the Structure of Higher Education in Germany
DU Weihua
Abstract:Germany is a modern country with highly developed higher education. After the reform of Berlin University,the development of higher education in Germany has formed a unique model. Based on the history of higher education development in Germany,this paper analyzes the level structure and discipline structure of higher education in Germany. It argues that the level structure of higher education in Germany is becoming increasingly complicated. Universities and applied science and technology universities are developing in parallel,and each university has its unique degree awarding. The discipline structure is more reasonable with law,economics,social sciences and engineering as the main position.
Keywords:Germany;Higher Education;Level Structure;Discipline Structure
[3]参见Zahlen und Fakten zur DHBW [EB/OL]. [2019-11-11]. http://www.dhbw.de/die-dhbw/wir-ueber-uns/zahlen-fakten.html.