▷▷▷第一节 国外发达国家实践
Section One Practice of Developed Countries Abroad
1. Germany: Reconstructing Industrial Ecology with“Industry 4.0”
“工业4.0”缘于2008年金融危机。当时德国提出,工程和制造业等核心行业要做出改变,变得更有效率,才能够渡过金融危机。历时三年讨论,2011年落地。“工业4.0”经历了三个发展阶段:柔性化、定制化生产,企业从产品平台向服务平台演进,物联网技术让工业互联网成为现实。德国认为,未来7年,最重要的技术趋势是数字孪生,虚拟世界和物理世界彻底打通,员工能力和商业模式彻底重构,但任何一家企业都不可能凭一己之力做到这些,聚焦核心、打造生态,是领导型企业的普遍做法。德国“工业4.0”侧重以下几个方向。第一,运用新的技术变革,其中最重要的技术是数字孪生。产品在物理世界真实存在之前就已经在虚拟数字世界中存在,一旦有了数字孪生,就可以虚拟设计产品,可以模拟市场,可以把产品配置成客户需要的样子,可以设计产品性能和经验,所有的一切都可以在数字化世界中完成,不需要任何物理世界中的操作。第二,要重新思考产品的构成要素,重新考虑产品如何设计和验证,重新思考如何验证这些产品,让这些产品能够实现新的功能。例如客户买的不是机车,而是交通能力,这是完全不同的商业模式。如果企业提供高质量及时的交通,而且有很好的客户体验,就可以获得溢价,这就变成一个服务行业,与制造行业不一样,卖出产品之后通过服务获得利润。第三,“工业4.0”进入了新的层面,就是自动化升级,随之而来的变化是新工种和对新工作能力的需求,因为“工业4.0”的领导者在创造新的工作岗位。对于领导者来说,他们把供应链带回国内,也意味着需要重新去培训员工来做一些很重要的新工作,工作种类在发生改变。对于德国来说,制造业是强项,在 B2B 方面非常强,但是B2C行业不是很强,将来会用人工智能、机器学习和机器人来搭建基础架构,实现定制产品和服务①。
“Industry 4.0”came from the financial crisis in 2008. At that time, Germany proposed that core industries such as engineering and manufacturing should make changes and become more efficient in order to survive the financial crisis. It was launched in 2011 after three years of discussion. “Industry 4.0”has experienced three stages of development: flexible and customized production; evolution of enterprise from product platform to service platform;industrial Internet realized by using Internet of things technology. Germany believed that in the next seven years, the most important technology trend is the digital twin. The virtual world and the physical world will be completely opened up, and the employees' ability and business mode will be completely reconstructed. However, no enterprise can do this on its own. The common practice of leading enterprises is to focus on the core and build ecology. Germany's“Industry 4.0”focuses on the following directions. The first is to use new technological changes, the most important one of which is the digital twin. Products exist in the virtual digital world before they exist in the physical world. Once there is a digital twin, products can be designed virtually, markets can be simulated, products can be configured as customers need, and product performance and experience can be designed, all of which can be completed in the digital world without any operation in the physical world. Second, it should rethink the components of products, how to design and verify products, and how to verify these products so that these products can achieve new functions. For example, what customers want are not vehicles, but the transportation capacity. This is a completely different business model. If an enterprise provides high-quality and timely transportation, and has a good customer experience, it can get a premium and become a service industry. Unlike the manufacturing industry,it will make profits through services after selling products. Third, “Industry 4.0”has entered a new level of automation upgrading, followed by changes such as the demand for new types of work and new working abilities, because the leaders of“Industry 4.0”are creating new jobs. Leaders bring the supply chain back home country, which means that they need to retrain their employees to do some critical new jobs, and types of their jobs are changing. For Germany, manufacturing industry is a strong point. It is solid in B2B, but not in B2C industry. In the future, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robots will be used to build infrastructure and realize customized products and services.
2. The United States: Leading the Development of New Economy with New Energy, Advanced Manufacturing and Big Data
The new energy revolution has had a profound impact on the American economy. Unconventional energy, such as oil sands, heavy oil, steam-turned oil and other liquid oil, has reshaped the energy pattern of the United States, and has had a profound impact on the U. S. economy in terms of employment and government revenue. For example, the production of hydrocarbon energy will promote the development of industries that rely on natural gas production, such as petrochemical industry, chemical fertilizer, synthetic resin, iron, steel, glass, papermaking and plastic processing, and will have a more far-reaching impact on the industry of service, construction, transportation and trade.
Advanced manufacturing industry drives the development of American economy. Advanced manufacturing industry, with its wide range and high added value of products, has driven the development of American economy. The manufacturing industry plays an important role in the history of the United States and is an important cornerstone to support the United States' comprehensive national strength and maintain its leading position globally. However, for some time, the manufacturing industry's weakness and the relative strength of virtual economy typically in finance have increased the instability of American economy, widened the gap between the rich and the poor and led to polarization. After the financial crisis in 2008, Americans realize that the virtual economy needs solid real economy as support. Therefore, the U. S. government puts forward the strategy of“reindustrialization”and“revitalizing the U.S. manufacturing industry”, trying to enhance the strength of the U.S. economy and create more employment opportunities by guiding the return of manufacturing enterprises.
大数据产业为经济发展提供了新动能。数字经济时代孕育着海量的数字资源。电子支付的普及、网上购物的兴起、社交媒体的活跃,以及新型可穿戴设备,造就了指数级增长的数据资源。根据麦肯锡全球研究所的报告,大数据的应用每年可为美国带来6 100亿美元的产值。其中,在零售业和制造业领域,每年带动产值的增加额可达到1 550亿~3 250亿美元;在医疗保健和政府服务领域,每年也会带来约2 850亿美元的成本结余,间接促进了经济增长①。
Big data industry provides new growth drivers for economic development. The era of digital economy is pregnant with massive digital resources. The popularity of electronic payment, the rise of online shopping, social media dynamics, and new wearable devices have created exponential growth of data resources. According to McKinsey Global Research Institute, the application of big data can bring 610 billion US dollars of output value every year. Among them, retail and manufacturing, the annual increase in output value can reach 155 billion-325 billion US dollars; in the fields of health care and government services, the annual cost balance will also bring about 285 billion US dollars, indirectly promoting economic growth.
3. UK: Top-Level Plan Leading the Construction of Smart City
2013年,英国伦敦出台《智慧伦敦规划》,旨在“利用先进技术的创造力来服务伦敦并提高伦敦市民生活质量”②。规划提出将人、技术与数据有效整合,以集成、创新的方式解决城市治理问题。一是以人和企业为核心,创建“对话伦敦(Talk London)网上社区”,鼓励和帮助“伦敦人”参与社会治理。二是促进数据整合与共享,构建一站式数据开放平台——“伦敦数据仓库”,实现交通、安全、经济、旅游等跨部门跨行政区数据的整合与共享。三是发展数字技术与人工智能,创设市长出口计划,组织智慧城市领域的中小技术企业参加贸易使团赴海外开拓新市场。四是加强数字技术与城市基础设施的融合,在公共交通系统使用非接触式支付卡(CPCs)提高通行效率,将采集到的数据用于优化交通管理。伦敦智慧城市建设成效显著,在2018年“IESE 城市动态指数”排行榜中获评“全球最佳智慧城市”。
In 2013, London issued the“Smart London Plan”, aiming to“use the creativity of advanced technology to serve London and improve Londoners' quality of life”. The plan proposes to effectively integrate people, technology and data to solve urban governance problems in an integrated and innovative way. The first is to create the online community“Talk London”with people and enterprises as the core to encourage and help“Londoners”to participate in social governance. The second is to promote data integration and shared, build a one-stop open data platform —“London Data Warehouse”, and realize the cross-department and cross-region integration and share of data among transportation, safety, economy, tourism, etc. The third is to develop digital technology and artificial intelligence, make the export plan by Mayor of London, and organize small and medium technology enterprises in the smart city to participate in trade missions to open up new markets overseas. Fourth, strengthen the integration of digital technology and urban infrastructure, use contactless payment cards (CPCs)in public transport system to improve traffic efficiency, and use the collected data to optimize traffic management. London has made remarkable achievements in the construction of smart city and was rated as“The Best Smart City in the World”in the“IESE City Dynamic Index”in 2018.
4. Canada: Cooperation Between Government and Enterprise to Develop Future City and Create Interactive Field of Digital Life
2017年10月,谷歌Sidewalk Labs宣称,计划在加拿大多伦多市开发名为Quayside的“未来城”,旨在利用创新性乃至具有革新性的方法实现城市更新,解决公共空间不足、可持续发展、交通拥堵等城市问题,打造未来城市平台。一是以论证性为导向的未来城市蓝图设计,推进法规修改与基础设施建设。通过专家咨询、公众反馈等多方论证,以多媒介面向大众公开文件进展与更新,推出总体创新与发展计划。二是全面布局城市感知系统。通过开发不包含具体器件的框架,注重打造“城市USB端口”,方便社区、公共场所等地快速安装感知设备,帮助城市形成为居民、企业服务的全感知网络。三是在城市设计上注重居民体验:通过设计无路边台阶街道,方便行人与自行车汇入;同时将街道与多伦多的轻轨系统相连,实现出行无感连结;通过路边感应器设计,收集相关交通数据,管理多运输方式流量情况,为未来自动驾驶汽车打下基础①。
In October 2017, Google Sidewalk Labs announced that it plans to develop a“future city”named Quayside in Toronto, Canada. It aims to use innovative methods to realize urban renewal, solve urban problems such as insufficient public space, sustainable development and traffic congestion, and build a future urban platform. The first is the blueprint design of the future city oriented by argumentation, revision of laws and regulations and infrastructure construction. Through multi-party argumentation such as expert consultation, public feedback, it declares the progress and update of documents to the public through multi-media and launches the overall innovation and development plan;the second is to comprehensively layout the city perception system. Developing a framework with no specific devices, it focuses on building“urban USB port”to facilitate the rapid installation of sensing devices in communities and public places, and help the city form a full sensing network to serve residents and enterprises. The third is to pay attention to residents' experience in urban design, facilitating the blending of pedestrians and bicycles through the design of no sidewalk street, connecting the streets with the light rail system of Toronto to achieve insensate links, and collecting relevant traffic data to manage the flow of multiple modes of transportation through the design of roadside sensors to lay a foundation for future self-driving cars.
① 张红凤,吕杰.新旧动能转换及实现路径[N].光明日报,2018-09-06(007).
① 春晓财经.工业4.0在德国的进展及未来[EB/OL]. (2018-10-10)[2021-02-23]. http://www.123gobook.com/706.html.
① 赵建.美国经济复苏之谜:新周期、新能源还是新技术[J].国际金融,2018(11):26-33.
② 王操,李农.上海打造卓越全球城市的路径分析:基于国际智慧城市经验的借鉴[J].城市观察,2017(4): 5-23.
① 成都市新经济发展委员会.把握技术大变革趋势以科技新引领城市转型研究报告[R]. 2019.