Neuro-Linguistic Programming is defined(by the Government of the Colorado State, USA)as:
“A detailed operational model of the processes involved in human behavior and communication. Although it is not itself a psychotherapy, NLP’s principles can be used to understand, and make changes in, any realm of human experience and activity. NLP, however, has been applied to therapeutic concerns, and the result is a powerful, rapid, and subtle technology for making extensive and lasting changes inhuman behavior and capacities. NLP deals with modifying and redesigning thinking patterns(for)flexibility and new capacities and abilities.” State of Colorado,U.S.A.(Dept. of Regulatory Agencies)
(1) 原名弗雷德里克·皮尔斯(Frederick Perls,1893—1970),德国心理学家,完形疗法创始人,完形疗法也译为格式塔疗法。