Ⅰ 总报告
General Report
摘 要:当前,“一带一路”建设步入发展新阶段,2020年,中国与沿线各国在稳妥有序应对新冠肺炎疫情、着力凝聚合作共识、加强六廊六路建设、推进规则标准法律对接、提升贸易自由化便利化水平、加强产业投资合作、提升金融服务能力、促进民心相通、推动产业精细化运营和协同发展等方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。本着“共商共建共享”理念,“一带一路”沿线国家积极落实“一带一路”倡议,各国产业互通有无,经济优势互补,发展成果共享,不断形成新增长动能,为各国经济的长足发展创造了极为有利的条件和广阔空间。
Abstract: “The Belt and Road” Initiative has entered a new stage of development. In 2020, China and the countries along “The Belt and Road” have made remarkable achievements in terms of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic in a prudent and orderly manner, building consensus on cooperation, stepping up the construction of six corridors and six roads, promoting the harmonization of rules, standards and laws, enhancing trade liberalization and facilitation, strengthening industrial investment cooperation, improving financial services capacity, tightening people-to-people bond, and promoting refined operation and coordinated development of industries. Based on the concept of “extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits”, the countries along “The Belt and Road” have actively implemented the “Belt and Road” strategy, exchanged needed goods among industries, drawn on each other’s economic strengths, shared the fruits of development, and formed new growth drivers continuously, which has created extremely favorable conditions and broad space for the rapid economic development of all countries.
Keywords: “The Belt and Road” Initiative; Industrial Cooperation; Mutual Benefit and Win-Win Results