原因之二,这本书所记录的是为中冰关系精耕细作的人们。书中所采访的15位成功人士,都是善于开拓、非常勤奋的企业家。书中所展现的冰岛人士都曾长期在中国工作和生活,长期与身边的中国人打交道,他们喜欢中国,有的可以说是热爱中国。他们为了工作,不可避免地要向冰岛人介绍中国,介绍自己在中国的所作所为。毛一玮和谢莹莹在对冰岛中国贸易协会主席Jonina Bjartmarz的采访中,写下了这样的文字:“在合作之前,首先要打破偏见。‘我(Jonina)曾经在中国住过一段时间,并从事一些进口贸易的生意。我很了解中国,有很多中国朋友,我也学到了很多。但当我终于回到冰岛的时候,我发现人们看待中国的方式还是老样子。’由于中冰民众长期存在的认识偏差,两国之间的交流与合作存在一些阻碍。”据我所知,当中冰关系出现困难时,在被采访的冰岛人士中,有人仗义执言,与冰岛有关领导人直接交涉,讲明情况。
I was somewhat excited when reading the manuscript of “What They Say —Executives in China-Iceland and Economic Cooperation”. The first reason for my excitement is that the manuscript had been compiled for publication by Icelandic Research Center of University of Jinan to mark the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iceland. The Kingdom of Poetry: Selected Icelandic Poems translated by Professor Zhang Shoufeng and me was also for the purpose. I have to say that everyone in Icelandic Research Center had totally set their mind on bettering the relations between China and Iceland. They began to plan relevant celebration events as early as 2019. I had been warmed up by their devotion, and their enthusiasm had been urging me to work harder.
The second reason is that the manuscript had recorded those who have worked hard for and cultivate the good relations between China and Iceland. The fifteen successful persons interviewed in the book are all entrepreneurs who had ploughed deep and farmed with great care in the relations. The Icelanders described in the book had all worked and lived in China for a long time, and they have been in frequent contacts with Chinese around them. They like China, and some can be said to have deep love for China. They inevitably have to familiarize Icelanders with China and what they have done in China for their work. In their interview with Jonina Bjartmarz, Managing Director of Iceland-China Trade Promotion Association, Mao Yiwei and Xie Yingying wrote: “Before taking actions for cooperation, we must first get rid of any prejudice. ‘I (Jonina) have lived in China for a long time and engaged in import trade business. I know a lot about China. I have many Chinese friends, and I have learned a lot. But when I finally got back to Iceland, I found that the way people looked at China was still the same.’ Due to the long-standing misunderstanding between people in China and Iceland, there are great obstacles to the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.” As far as I know, when there was some difficulties in the relations, someone who had been interviewed spoke out boldly to relevant Icelandic leaders in a direct manner to clarify related matters.
The third reason is that Iceland's most influential companies in the world are introduced in the book. For example, Carbon Recycling International (CRI) is a company committed to the research and development as well as production of renewable energy. According to relevant data, the company, at present, has owned the technology to convert renewable energy and recycled carbon dioxide emissions into methanol, which can provide green and clean energy for cars, ships and others. It is reported that Zhejiang Geely Holding Group has signed an investment agreement of total amount of US$ 45 million with CRI in Reykjavik. In the future, if the technology of Iceland is applied in methanol-fueled cars produced by Geely, it will greatly improve the air quality of our country. For another example, I have visited Marel, the largest food processing company in Iceland. It established the Marel's Shanghai Progress Point in 2021, which is something worth celebrating. Iceland leads the world in geothermal technology. The geothermal Institute established by the United Nations in Iceland has trained many geothermal talents for our country. In 2018, China Everbright Ltd. announced that it would invest US$ 70 million in Iceland Arctic Green Energy Corporation, an Icelandic enterprise, through its funds. Arctic Green Energy Corporation and a subsidiary of China Petrochemical Corporation jointly operate Sinopec Green Energy Geothermal Development Co. , Ltd. (SGE), a leader in China's geothermal industry.
Founded in 2014, Icelandic Research Center of University of Jinan has made outstanding achievements in the research of Iceland's environment, biological resources, geothermal energy and others. At present, the Center has strengthened the research on the Arctic waterway and carried out many professional activities related to it. It is worth mentioning that University of Jinan has reached a cooperation agreement with Bifrost University in Iceland. The cooperation with the Icelandic university will further promote our research on Iceland and strengthen the research on China by the Icelandic side. The book in front of me is a work carefully designed by the Center for ordinary readers. I hope that readers who are willing to know about the relations between China and Iceland as well as those between China and Northern Europe can benefit from the book.
The interviewers of the book are volunteers among students in universities. The practice is worth advocating because it gives students the opportunity to participate in social practice and have direct contact with business people at home and abroad. This kind of opportunity is extremely beneficial to the growth of college students.
I would like to use the above words to wish Icelandic Research Center of University of Jinan greater achievements in its future research. Although Iceland is small as a state, it is big in literature and poetry, big in protecting its own language, big in environmental protection, big in reading and publishing, big in scientific and technological inventions, and big in mobilizing her masses in sports. The research and possible application of Icelandic experience in its social development, the strengthening of exchanges in all aspects with Iceland would be very valuable for the cause of building a community with a shared future for mankind and realizing our second Centennial goal and the great Chinese dream.
Wang Ronghua
Former Ambassador to Iceland,
Advisor to the International Confucian Association (ICA),
Guest Professor of University of Jinan,
Member of Council of the Diplomatic Pen,
Member of International Society for Comparative Studies of Chinese and
Western Philosophy (ISCWP)
July 20, 2022