The journalist also asked about the drivers of and drags on the Chinese economy. Indeed, China’s economic development has quite a number of advantages. For example, we have a super-sized market, a well-functioning industrial system, rich supply of human resources and a strong development foundation. More importantly, we have notable institutional strength.
(来源:总理答中外记者问 2023年)
❶ The journalist also asked about the drivers of and drags on the Chinese economy.刚才,这位记者朋友问到了有利和不利因素问题。the drivers of and drags on the Chinese economy意为“中国经济的有利和不利因素”,例如:
When analyzing the country’s economic situation, it is important to identify both the drivers of growth and the drags on the economy. 分析一个国家的经济形势时,重要的是要确定经济增长的推动因素和阻碍因素。
❷ Indeed, China’s economic development has quite a number of advantages.中国发展确实有很多优势条件。
❸ We have a super-sized market, a well-functioning industrial system, rich supply of human resources and a strong development foundation.市场规模巨大,产业体系完备,人力资源丰富,发展基础厚实等。
❹ More importantly, we have notable institutional strength.更重要的是制度优势显著。
❶ 亚洲经济增长的驱动力主要源于该地区不断扩大的中产阶级和日益增长的城市化水平。
The drivers of economic growth in Asia are largely due to the region’s expanding middle class and increasing levels of urbanization.
❷ 缺乏熟练工人和人口老龄化是许多发达国家经济增长的主要障碍。
The lack of skilled workers and aging populations are major drags on economic growth for many developed countries.