第4章 韩警官的审讯
Pt. 1
Pt. 2
“下一位是——Roger Carmichael Arbuthnot,还有Emily Flora Arbuthnot。让他们一起进来吧。”韩警官对门外的孙青城吩咐道。
“Good morning,sir and madam. Well,I have to ask you not less than three questions.”
“OK. Just ask us.”Arbuthnot夫人回答道。
“How did you get to the city?”
“By train,indeed. We had just been on our vacation in another city.”
“What's the city called?”
“It's called 'Panjan' something or other,I guess so.”Arbuthnot夫人想了一想。
“I think you mean 'Pangjiang'(庞江,原型珠江). Hum,well then,nothing profound. So,when did your train arrive?”
“Around 4 pm yesterday. Then we got on the car Mr. Chan provided us.”Roger搓了搓他右手虎口,说道。
“I see it. The last one,does anyone between you,sir and madam,know anything about Ms. Yin?”
“Before this affair?”
“Well,I know one thing or two about her.”Arbuthnot先生打了个喷嚏,“Salu…I used to cooperate with her to produce some of her albums. You know,she's also a pop singer. I was under obligation to arrange and mix the tracks in the records. Nevertheless,there's nothing more I could say about her.”
“And then,Mrs. Arbuthnot,does you?”
“OK,and that's all. Thank you for your cooperation. Wish you have a nice day.”
“It's our pleasure, sir.”Arbuthnot先生站起身来,再次和韩警官握了握手。
“下一位是——演员James Franklin Lombardo。让他进来吧。”
“Good morning,Mr. Lombardo. You don't seem to sleep well last night.”
“You observed it. It's all the naughty mosquitoes' fault.Lemme show you.”他撸起衬衫袖子,露出了胳膊上被咬的三四个红点。
“Surely the mosquitoes are annoying.”韩警官苦笑道,“I was stung by a venomous one this morning too. You see it.”韩警官给他看了看手背,那一大块包还没有完全消下去。
“Hum,we're outta luck.**** the room 4016.”
“Haha. Well,it's time to start our premier task. Do you mind to ask you several questions?”
“Not at all.”
“How did you get to the city,Mr. Lombardo?”
“No doubt I get here by the air. I took the plane from Detroit.”
“When did the plane land?”
“Yesterday-----10:30 am I guess.”
“Did you acquaint yourself to Shirley Yin before she's dead?”
“No. I didn't even heard of her name before Chan invited me.”
“Why did he invite you?”
“He said there's a role of an FBI agent in his next film. He thought I'm appropriate to the position.”
“Got it. Thanks sir.”
会议室里再次只剩下了韩警官。过了十几秒,Fred Raymond进了插着裤兜,没好气地进了会议室。
“Good morning,Mr. Raymond.”
“Good morning.”Raymond冷冷地回答,没有正眼看他,坐下之后就一直盯着桌上放的绿植看。
“You seem to be very angry.”
“That's irrelevant to you.”Raymond还是冷冷的语气。
“I guess you used to be a police or a soldier in US.”
“How did you get that?”Raymond总算正眼看了韩警官一次。
“The dent on your right hand. I think a gun had callused there. Besides,a round scar on your left shoulder is revealed----it should be done by a bullet.”韩警官不紧不慢地说。
“You win. I used to join the army,actually. I retired from army after I got hurt on my shoulder.”
“Then you began to play some fierce roles in some films.”
“Totally.”Raymond摸了摸他的络腮胡,盯着韩警官看,“I should say,you've got two ELECTRIC EYES.That word's taken from Judas Prrriest's songs.”
“Maybe a cool song,I think.”韩警官笑了笑,“Well,I have to ask you something about the affair.”
“The first one. I guess you arrived the city by air,right?”
“You're wrong. I got here by a coach. I'm to visit a friend living in the country. He's in Shenping now.”
“深萍(原型深圳),a splendid city. When did you arrive the city----I mean,Linshui?”
“About 12:00 yesterday. Then I went to the hotel and chatted with Chan. I went down to the restaurant and had the meeting about 5 pm.”
“Alright. Did you know about the victim,Shirley Yin,before the case happened?”
“OK. Sir. Then we come to the end of the talking. Have a nice day, sir. Goodbye.”
“OK.”Raymond站起身,继续看着韩警官,“Additionally,sir,you're so different----so far.”