更新时间:2021-08-27 18:57:50
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Mastering Spring Cloud
Packt Upsell
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Introduction to Microservices
The blessings of microservices
Building microservices with Spring Framework
Cloud-native development
Learning the microservices architecture
Understanding the need for service discovery
Communication between services
Failures and circuit breakers
Spring for Microservices
Introducing Spring Boot
Developing applications with Spring Boot
Customizing configuration files
Creating RESTful Web Services
API Documentation
Using Swagger 2 together with Spring Boot
Testing API with Swagger UI
Spring Boot Actuator features
Application information
Health information
Developer tools
Integrating application with database
Building a sample application
Running the application
Spring Cloud Overview
Beginning with the basics
Netflix OSS
Service discovery with Eureka
Routing with Zuul
Load balancing with Ribbon
Writing Java HTTP clients
Latency and fault tolerance with Hystrix
Configuration management with Archaius
Discovery and distributed configuration
An alternative – Consul
Apache Zookeeper
Miscellaneous projects
Distributed tracing with Sleuth
Messaging and integration
Cloud platform support
Other useful libraries
Automated testing
Cluster features
Projects overview
Release trains
Service Discovery
Running Eureka on the server side
Enabling Eureka on the client side
Deregistration on shutdown
Using discovery client programmatically
Advanced configuration settings
Refreshing the registry
Changing the instance identificator
Preferring the IP address
Response cache
Enabling secure communication between client and server
Registering a secure service
Eureka API
Replication and high availability
Architecture of the sample solution
Building the example application
Zones with a standalone server
Building an example application
Distributed Configuration with Spring Cloud Config
Introduction to HTTP API resources
Native profile support
Building a server-side application
Building a client-side application
Adding a Eureka Server
Client-side bootstrap approaches
Config Server discovery
Repository backend types
Filesystem backend
Git backend