Taking the Duty of Constructing Contemporary Chinese Ethical System: the Contribution of Luo Guojie's Ethical Theories
Jiang Chang, Chen Shan
Abstract: Luo Guojie's most significant academic contribution is that he e ventually established a socialist ethical system which has great influence on China. His willingness and courage to take on such quest inspired scholars profoundly. Deepening the overall reforms requires a compatible ethical system, so that a reformed social system can be morally defended and supported. Moreover, nurturing and practicing core socialist values also requires a transition from promoted social values to moral duties so that it can guide and restrain people's conduct and solve social moral problems that are increasingly prominent. Scholars in the field of ethics should learn from Luo to contribute to the construction of China's ethical system.
Keywords: Luo Guojie, Contemporary Chinese Ethical System, Theoretical Construction, Practical Construction