After The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee, the Chinese rural development has entered a new era. The Household -responsibility System gave farmers land use rights, what was their dream of many years. Although farmers were still unable to achieve the land use rights, fifteen years of land contract authority and later extension and renewal clause of land use rights had given mind relief to Chinese farmers. Rural productivity got the great liberation, at the same time, Chinese rural ushered golden period of development, which lasted until the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteen Sessions. At the time of rapid rural development, we can see that the more rapid expansion of the city and the industry was based on the extraction of tri-agriculture surplus. In fact, since the establishment of the new China, it had implemented the rural supporting city and agriculture supporting industry policies for a long time. After the reform and open policy, rural surplus labor force had become as an inexhaustible cheap labor productive factor of city construction and industrial production. And the first and second generations of migrant workers were a typical case. At the same time, Chinese rural financial resources were completely extracted by various financial institutions, and those rural credit cooperatives and commercial banks only can absorb capital at a lower rate level, then used for city and industrial development. Through comparative analysis, the writer found that the gap between urban and rural areas showed a significant widening trend, the polarization of rich and poor was obvious, and the benign interactive relationship between the urban and rural areas had failed to be established.
The unbalanced development of urban and rural areas is undoubtedly a substantial obstacle to the comprehensive construction of a well-off society in the twenty-first Century. If the bestriding of poverty trap of China was on the basis of agriculture nurturing Industry, the bestriding of the middle income trap of China in the new century would requires remedial policies such as Industry nurturing agriculture and city nurturing rural and so on. From this perspective of understanding of the new rural area that can help us to find the power source of rural construction and economic striding development. Therefore, the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixteen Sessions put forward five aspects of contents of new rural construction clearly, which were new houses, new facilities, new environment, new farmers, and new custom. These five aspects were indispensable, and constituted the category of new rural of a well-off society, and these were the specific content and standards to make up for the urban and rural gap. The new socialist countryside is closely related to the construction of harmonious and well-off society. Recommendation Eleven Five Plan proposed that according to the requirement of production development, well -off life, rural civilization, clean and tidy village, democratic management, we should push forward the new rural construction. And the production development was the central link of new rural construction, and it was the material base to realize the other goals. In March, 2014, the Central Government promulgated the National New Urbanization Planning(2014-2020), and this document had strategic guiding significance for China's urbanization construction. It also had great significance for the understanding of urban development law, driving force of urbanization, and the complementary relationship among urbanization, industrialization, information and modernization, and the discussion on agricultural people transferring through the deepening of system reform.
Constructing the new socialist countryside is like constructing a building, and the economy is the foundation of this building. If the foundation is not solid, the building would not be constructed, that is to say, if the economy does not develop quickly, and the blueprint cannot become a reality. The affluent life is the objective of new rural construction, and it is also the basic measurement scale of our work. Only for the increase of farmers' income, improvement of basic necessities, and raising of living standard, that can indicate the tangible results of the new rural construction. Rural civilization is a reflection of farmers'quality, and it embodies the demands of spiritual civilization construction in rural areas. These also include the unceasingly enhancement of farmers' thought, culture, moral level, civilization and science advocating, the formation of a stable and harmonious social atmosphere which are including family harmony, simple folkway, mutual cooperation and so on, and the vigorous development of education, culture, health and sports and so on, only for this, that the new rural construction can become comprehensive and perfect. Clean and tidy village is the window of new rural, which is a necessary requirement for harmonious development of human and environment. The revelation of new socialist countryside should be the scene that includes the governance of filthy conditions, the improvement of fundamental human settlement environment, and the farmers live and work in peace. This is the most intuitive expression of new rural construction. Democratic management is the political guarantee of the new rural construction, which shows the respect and protection of the political rights of farmers. Only further expanding the rural democracy at the grassroots level, perfecting the system of villagers'autonomy, and truly letting the masses of peasants take leadership, that can mobilize the enthusiasm of the farmers, and can well construct the new socialist countryside.
In short, the new rural construction is not the specious writ of the government, it is related to the correction of long-term unreasonable rural surplus transferring, and based on this, it is related to the rural urbanization, upgrading of agricultural industry modernization, knowledge and skill cultivation of farmers and so on. These are the real understanding and liberation of the new rural. Otherwise, it is inevitable that the motion types of rural construction such as new village idle, old people in new house and smallholder would appear.
Financial support in new rural construction is a great and complicated research topic, a deep and systematic research on this issue related to economic, financial, cultural and many other aspects. Research on this issue needs the always highlight core and main line grasp, and only generally research and material combing would lose the original research intention, and cannot get the valuable and guiding constructive achievements.
The book combs the most direct problems which need to be solved in the process of new rural construction, which is the investment and financing. Setting this as the center of the research, the writer extracts the content of rural financial support, which is the foothold of problem research and possible policy discussion. In this book, the writer always focuses on the financial support, and especially on the most counterparts, direct and practical part of financial support for new rural construction. On the basis of comprehensive study, the writer proposes policyoriented finance which will be more powerful in financial support for the new rural construction at present and in the future as the key of further analysis. The writer also fully explores the feasibility of comprehensive financial support system in which policy finance promotes the commercial finance to participate in the new rural construction. In fact, commercial finance has the demand to participate in the new rural construction. However, under the situation that lacking of profit model and comprehensive security, they are not daring to participate in the new rural construction, and the intervention of policy finance can greatly eliminate the concerns of commercial finance. Discussion on such model which has achieved some effects in some regions currently constitutes the important part of this book, and especially the research on the Agricultural Development Bank of China provides an important reference to the construction of financial systematic model that financially supports the new rural construction. For the financial support, In addition to the case model discussion of the Agricultural Development Bank of Chinas, the writer also focuses on the deep -seated problems which hinder the establishment and development of rural financial support system, and carries on the thorough analysis from the development strategy, system, policy and other aspects, as an important force to promote the financial system perfecting in new rural construction, the writer finally points out thorn of financial resources entering the new countryside, and provides the starting point to cut flat these obstacles.
Above is the main content ofthis book, which is from the interpretation of new rural problems and historical thinking, to the systematic discussion on introducing of financial support. And around the research on the relationship between policy, finance and commercial finance, and set the Agricultural Bank of China as a representative of policy oriented financial, the writer analyzes the feasibility of constructing a financial support system. On this basis, as the object of research, the writer further explores the framework of sustainable financial support for rural development. Finally, as an extension of the research, the writer does some researches on the new urbanization, and hopes to explore the solving, historical inheritance, and developing problems of Chinese rural areas.
For the content arrangement, in order to prominent the main research content and writing forms, the book is divided into the introduction and 5 parts, which respectively is the introduction, the new rural construction, financial support, case study and prospects, and this book has a total of 13 chapters. The separate part of case study tries to give readers a more objective and detailed discussion on the practice of new rural construction, and it provides the solid support for the discussion and elaboration of the contents of the book.