青浦东乡革命烈士陵园 / Qingpu Dongxiang Martyrs’ Cemetery

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Qingpu Dongxiang Martyrs’ Cemetery was built for the soldiers who had sacrif iced in the war of Shenjingtang Battle during the Anti-Japanese War on the Tomb-sweeping Day in 1939. After the founding of new China, the cemetery was renovated by Shanghai Municipal Government and renamed “Huoshao Temple Martyrs’ cemetery”. In 1999, the Qingpu Government moved the martyrs’ tombs from eastern Qingpu to the current site and renamed it “Qingpu Dongxiang Martyrs’ Cemetery”. Since 2012, the cemetery has been renovated and expended, for example, the showrooms, education rooms, parking lots and other facilities one after another. Qingpu Dongxiang Martyrs’ Cemetery is an important patriotism education base as well as a place for the remembrance of the martyrs.
The cemetery covers an area of about 13,800 square meters, including 3 graveyards for 350 martyrs who had sacrif iced themselves for the independence, revolutionary and socialist construction of China. In the center of the cemetery is a 14-meter-high lofty monument. The front side is inscribed with red-coloured “Immortal Revolutionary Martyrs” by Chen Yun, a respectable state leader. On the top of the monument is a 1-meter red shining star in diameter.
火星村60号/60, Huoxing Village
周一至周五(from Monday to Friday) 8:30~16:00
轨交17号线蟠龙路站/Panlong Road Station, Line 17
公交773路、白徐线、北青线/Line 773, Baixu Line, Beiqing Line