西郊国际农产品展示直销中心 / Xijiao International Agricultural Products Exposition and Direct Sale Center
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Xijiao International Agricultural Products Exposition and Direct Sale Center is located at Huaxin Town. The 4-storey center building covers a construction area of more than 40,000 square meters, among which 3 storeys are above the ground and 1 storey under. The center boasts the f inest agricultural products home and abroad. Linking the manufacturing and marketing, the center features 5 functions including display and direct sale, sampling and orders, logistics and distribution, domestic and foreign trade and E-commerce. The center consists of 46 halls in which thousands of the f inest agricultural products of 11 categories are displayed. These products are not only from ASEAN and Poland, but also from 28 provinces, autonomous administration regions and municipalities, Taiwan and Hongkong. Based on Shanghai, the center aims to reach the Yangtze River Delta while serving China even overseas market. It serves as a large platform for the national markets as well as a new channel ushering the outside products to Shanghai. The center is also the best choice for Shanghai locals to buy the f inest agricultural products.
新府中路1500号/1500, Xinfu Rd. (M)
轨交17号线蟠龙路站/Panlong Road Station, Line 17
公交773路/Line 773