
第6条 当事人通过约定而排除《公约》的适用


The parties may exclude the application of this Convention or,subject to article 12,derogate from or vary the effect of any ofits provisions.


双方当事人可以排除本《公约》的适用(原文为: “不适用本公约”),或在第12条规定的条件下,减损本《公约》的任何规定或改变其效力。






       4.1 明示行使选择权的形式

       4.2 默示排除《公约》适用的方法

















4.1 明示行使选择权的形式





4.2 默示排除《公约》适用的方法










[1]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.61.
[4]Joseph Lookofsky, The1980UnitedNationsConventiononContractsforthe InternationalSaleofGoods,Kluwer Law International,the Hague,2000,p.33;Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zum Einheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.54.
[5]Erik Jayme,C.M.Bianca(Author),Michael Joachim Bonell,Bianca-Bonell Com mentary on the International Sales Law,p.30;Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zum Einheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.65.
[6]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.69.
[7]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.72; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Inter-national Sale of Goods,p.6.
[8]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.71.
[9]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.12.
[10]Joseph Lookofsky,The 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,Kluwer Law International,the Hague,2000,p.36.
[11]Erik Jayme,in C.M.Bianca(Author),Michael JoachimBonell,Bianca-Bonell Com mentary on the International Sales Law.p.33;Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom-mentar zum Einheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.68.
[12]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.13.
[13]张玉卿:《国际货物买卖统一法———联合国货物买卖合同公约释义》,23页。Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zum Einheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.81.
[15]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.82.
[16]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.83.
[17]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.82; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Inter-national Sale of Goods,p.13.
[18]O G H,11.2.1997,CISG Onl ine 298.
[19]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.83.
[20]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.86; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Inter-national Sale of Goods,p.13.
[21]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.86.
[23]Herer,2.Aufl .Art.2,Rn.2.3.
[24]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.88; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Inter-national Sale of Goods,p.13.
[25]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.13.
[27]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.88.
[29]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.89.
[30]Enderlein/Maskow/Strohbach,Art .2 Anm.7.2;Herber,2.Aufl .Art .2 Rn.33.
[31]Audit,Vente Internationale,S.30; H onnold,Rn.54;另参见张玉卿:《国际货物买卖统一法———联合国货物买卖合同公约释义》,27页。
[32]Enderlein/M askow/Strohbach,Art.2 Anm.7.2; Pi lz,Internationales Kau-frecht,§ 2 Rn.52; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Conven-tion on the International Sale of Goods,p.13.
[33]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.13.
[34]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.13.
[35]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.91; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Inter-national Sale of Goods,p.13.
[37]CL O U T case No.157 [Cour dappel Chambéry,France,25 M ay 1993].
[38]CL O U T case No.331 [Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,10 February 1999](see full text of the decision);CL O U T case No.2 [Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am M ain,Germany,17 September 1991](see fulltext of the decision).
[41]Enderlein/M askow/Strohbach,Art.3,Anm.3.
[42]Bamberger/Roth/Saenger,Art.3,Rn.4; H onnold,Rn.59.
[44]CL O U T case No.164 [Arbitration—Arbitration Court attached to the H ungar-ian Chamber of Com merce and Industry,H ungary,5 December 1995](see full text of the decision).
[45]John O.H onnold,Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention,3rd ed.(1999),pp.56-62.Reproduced with permission of the publ isher,Kluwer Law International,the Hague.,见http: //w w w .cisg .law .pace .edu/cisg/bibl io/ho3.html,访问时间:2015-05-21。
[47]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.96.
[48]H onnold,Rn.60.2;Reimers-Zocher,S.177.
[49]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.3,Rn.12.
[51]见http: //w w w.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/preponderant,访问时间:2014-05-12。
[52]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,S.92.
[54]Bianca/Bonell/Khoo,Art.3,Anm.2.3.; Witz/Salger/Loranz,Art.3,Rn .4;U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the Interna-tional Sale of Goods,p.14.
[55]CL O U T case No.122 [Oberlandesgericht Kln,Germany,26 August 1994].
[56]CL O U T case No.152 [Cour dappel Grenoble,France,26 Apri l 1995](see fulltext of the decision).
[57]CLO U T case No.346 [Landgericht Mainz,Germany,26 November 1998];Czer-wenka,Rechtsanwendungsprobleme,S.144;Staudinger/Magnus,Art .3,Rn.21.
[58]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.4,Rn.8;CL O U T case No.253 [Cantone del Ticino Tribunale dappello,Switzer-land,15 January 1998];Bundesgerichtshof,Germany,9 January 2002, Internation-alesHandelsrecht,2002,19;CL O U T case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Italy,12 July 2000];CL O U T case No.380 [Tribunale di Pavia,Italy,29 December 1999].
[60]Achi lles,Art.3,Rn.2;Pi lz,Internationales Kaufrecht,§ 3,Rn.2.
[61]O G H,22.10.2001,CISG-Onl ine 613;O G H,6.2.1996,CISG-Onl ine 224.
[62]Enderlein/M askow/Strohbach,Art.4,Anm.3.1.
[63]Geneva Pharmaceuticals Tech.Corp.v.Barr Labs.Inc.,U.S.Dist.C T(S .D .N .Y.),10.5.2002,CISG-Onl ine 653.
[64]United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods,Vienna,10 M arch-11 Apri l 1980,Official Records,Documents of the Conference and Sum mary Records of the Plenary M eetings and of the M eetings of the M ain Com mittee,1981,17.
[65]Audit,Vente Internationale,S.31; Witz/Salger/Loranz,Art.4,Rn.8.
[66]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.4,Rn.17.
[67]Herber,2.Aufl .,Art.4.,Rn.9,15.
[68]CL O U T case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Italy,12 July 2000](see full text of the decision); CL O U T case No.333 [han-delsgericht des Kantons Aargau,Switzerland,11 June 1999](see full text of the decision);Landgericht Berl in,24 M arch 1999,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.uni lex.info/case.cfm? pid=1 & do=case &id=440 & step=FullText;CL O U T case No.251 [handelsgericht des Kan-tons Zürich,Switzerland,30 November 1998](see full text of the decision);CL O U T case No.189 [Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,20 M arch 1997](seefulltext ofthe deci-sion);CL O U T case No.335 [A G Tessin,Switzerland,12 February 1996],also in Schweizerische Zeitschrift für europisches und internationales Recht,1996,135 ff ..
[69]Camara Nacional de los Apelaciones en lo Comercial,Argentina,14 October 1993,Uni lex;Rechtbank van Koophandel hasselt,17 June 1998,avai lable on the In-ternet at http: //w w w.law.kuleuven.ac.be/int/tradelaw/W K/1998-06-17.htm; hof van Beroep Antwerpen,Belgium,18 June 1996,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.law.kuleuven.ac.be/int/tradelaw/W K/1996-06-18.htm; hof Arnhem,Nether-lands,22August 1995,Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht,1995,No.514;CL O U T case No.104[Arbitration—International Chamber of Com merce No.7197,1993];CL O U T case No.47 [Landgericht Aachen,Germany,14 M ay 1993](see full text of the decision).
[70]Stoll,Internationalprivatrechtl iche Fragen,S.512; CL O U TcaseNo.428 [Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,7 September 2000],also avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.cisg.at/8_2200v.htm;Rechtbank Zutphen,Netherlands,29 M ay 1997,Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht,1998,No.110; A G Nordhorn,Germany,14 June 1994,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/ ;O G H,7.9.2000,CISG-Onl ine 642.
[72]Pi lz,Internationales Kaufrecht,§ 2 Rn.141.
[73]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.4,Rn.17.
[74]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.18;CL O U T case No.308 [Federal Court of Austral ia,28 Apri l 1995];CL O U T case No.226 [Oberlandesgericht Koblenz,Germany,16 January 1992].
[75]Bundesgericht,Switzerland,11 July 2000,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w .cisg .law .pace.edu/cisg/text/000711s1german.html,CLO U T case No.196 [handels-gericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,26 Apri l 1995](see ful ltext ofthe decision).
[76]Pi lz,NJ W 2000,553,556.
[77]L GHamburg,26.9.1990,CISG-Onl ine 21; Rechtbank vanKoophandel Ieper,29 January 2001,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w .law .kuleuven .ac .be/int/tradelaw/W K/2001-01-29 .htm;CL O U T case No .428,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w .cisg .at/8 _2200v .htm;CL O U T case No .378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Italy,12 July 2000](see fulltext of the decision);CL O U T case No .297 [Oberlandes-gericht M ünchen,Germany,21 January 1998](see fulltext ofthe decision);Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,25 June 1998,Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung,2000,77;CL O U T case No.345 [Landgericht hei lbronn,Germany,15 September 1997].
[78]Pi lz,NJ W 2000,553,556;CL O U T case No.124 [Bundesgerichtshof,Ger-many,15 February 1995](see fulltext of the decision).
[79]CL O U T case No.605 [Oberster Gerichtshof,22 October 2001],also in Inter-nationales Handelsrecht,2002,27;CL O U T case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Ita-ly,12 July 2000](see full text of the decision);CL O U T case No.360 [A mtsgericht Duisburg,Ger-many,13 Apri l 2000]also in Internationales Handelsrecht,2001,114 f .;CL O U T case No.232 [Oberlandesgericht M ünchen,Germany,11 M arch 1998];CL O U T case No.259 [Kantonsgericht Freiburg,Switzerland,23 January 1998];Land-gericht hagen,Germany,15 October 1997,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/ ;Landgericht M ünchen,Germany,6 M ay 1997,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/urtei le/text/341.htm;CL O U T case No.273 [Oberlandesgericht M ünchen,Germany,9 July 1997](see full text of the decision);CL O U T case No.275 [Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf,Germany,24 Apri l 1997](see fulltext of the decision);CL O U T case No.169 [Ober-landesgericht Düsseldorf,Germany,11 July 1996];Landgericht Duisburg,Germany,17 Apri l 1996,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/ ; CL O U T case No.289[Ober-landesgericht Stuttgart,Germany,21August 1995].
[80]CL O U T case No.338 [Oberlandesgericht ham m,Germany,23 June 1998].
[81]CL O U T case No.613 [[Federal]Northern DistrictforIll inois,U SA 28 M arch 2002],also in 2002 W estlaw 655540(Usinor Industeel v.Leeco Steel Products,Inc.)and on the Internet at http: //cisgw3.law.pace.edu/cases/020328u1.html.
[82]Landgericht M ünchen,Germany,25 January 1996,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/.
[83]CLO U T Case No.579 [ [Federal]Southern District Court for New york,10 May 2002],also in 2002 U.S.Dist .LEXIS 8411(Geneva Pharmaceuticals Tech .Corp .v .Barr Labs .Inc .),and on the Internet at http: //cisgw3.law .pace.edu/cases/020510u1 .html.
[84]CL O U T case No.84 [Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt am M ain,Germany,20 A-pri l 1994](see fulltext of the decision);CL O U T case No.605 [Oberster Gerichtshof,22 October 2001 ],also avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.cisg.at/1_4901i .htm;CL O U T case No.255 [Tribunal Cantonal du Valais,Switzerland,30 June 1998].
[85]CL O U T case No.80 [Kam mergericht Berl in,Germany,24 January 1994].
[86]H uber,Art.42,Rn.22.
[87]ICC,6653/1993,CISG-Onl ine 71.
[88]Achi lles,Art.4,Rn.15; Herber,2.Aufl .Art.4 Rn.22;Schlechtriem/Fer-rari,Kom mentar zum Einheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.4,Rn.49.
[89]BG H,9.10.2002,CISG-Onl ine 651.
[91]CL O U T case No.196 [handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,26 A-pri l 1995].
[92]Staudinger/M agnus,Art.5,Rn.5.
[93]Staudinger/Magnus,Art .5,Rn.6; Witz/Salger/Loranz/Lorenz,Art .5,Rn.2.
[94]Kritzer,Guide to practical appl ication,S.95.
[95]CL O U T case No.196 [handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,26 Apri l 1995].
[96]CL O U T case No.196 [handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,26 Apri l 1995].
[97]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.21.
[98]CL O U T case No.229 [Bundesgerichtshof,Germany,4 December 1996](see fulltext of the decision).
[99]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.6,Rn.7;U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods,p.22.
[101]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.6,Rn.34.
[102]Staudinger/M agnus,Art.6,Rn.52.
[103]Czerwenka,Rechtsanwendungsprobleme,S.172; U N CIT R A L,Digestof Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods,p.22.
[106]M ueller-Chen,Art.28,Rn.24.
[107]Bamberger/Roth/Saenger,Art.6,Rn.3; U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods,p.22; Witz/Salg-er/Loranz/Lorenz,Art.6,Rn.4.
[108]BG H.9.1.2002.CIS H-Onl ine 651;Pi lz,IH R 2002,2,6.
[109]CL O U T case No.122 [Oberlandesgericht Kln,Germany,26 August 1994];CL O U T case No.292 [Oberlandesgericht Saarbrücken,Germany,13 January 1993](see fulltext ofthe decision);CL O U T case No.331 [handelsgericht Kanton Zürich,10 February 1999].
[110]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.22.
[111]Audit,Vente Internationale,S.38;Bamberger/Roth/Saenger,Art.6,Rn .2; Witz/Salger/Loranz/Lorenz,Art.6,Rn.2.
[112]CL O U T case No.605 [Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,22 October 2001],also avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.cisg.at/1 _7701g.htm;Cour de Cassation,France,26 June 2001,avai lable on the Internet at http: //witz.jura.uni-sb.de/CISG/decisions/2606012v.htm; CL O U T case No.483[Audiencia Provincial de Al icante,Spain,16 November 2000];CL O U T case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Italy,12 July 2000];Oberlandesgericht Dresden,Germany,27 December 1999,avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.jura.uni-freiburg.de/ipr1/cisg/urtei le/text/511.htm;CLO U T case No.273 [Oberlandesgericht M ünchen,Germany,9 July 1997](see fulltext ofthe deci-sion);CL O U T case No.136 [Oberlandes-gericht Celle,Germany,24 M ay 1995](see fulltext of the decision).
[113]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.22.
[114]CL O U T case No.92 [Arbitration—Ad hoc tribunal,19 Apri l 1994]; Cour dAppel Colmar,France,26 September 1995,avai lable on the Internet at:http: //witz.jura.uni-sb.de/cisg/decisions/260995.htm;CL O U T case No.326 [Kantonsgericht des Kantons Zug,Switzerland,16 M arch 1995];CL O U T case No.54 [Tribunale Civi le de M onza,Italy,14 January 1993].
[115]CLO U T case No.541 [Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,14 January 2002(see ful l text ofthe decision approving lower appeals courtreasoning);CLO U T case No.631 [Supreme Court of Queensland,Austral ia,17 November 2000];CLO U T case No.429 [Oberlandes-gericht Frankfurt,30 August 2000],also avai lable on the Internet at http: //cisgw3 .law .pace .edu/cisg/text/000830g1german.html;CLO U T case No.630 [Court of Arbitration ofthe International Chamber of Com merce,Zurich,Switzerland,July 1999](see ful l text of the decision); CLO U T case No.270[Bundesgerichtshof,Germany,25 November 1998 ];CLO U T case No.297 [Oberlandesgericht München,Germany,21 January 1998](see ful l text ofthe decision);CLO U T case No.220 [Kantonsgericht Nidwalden,Switzerland,3 De-cember 1997]; CLO U T case No.236[Bundesgerichtshof,Germany,23 July 1997 ];CLO U T case No.287 [Oberlandesgericht München,Germany,9 July 1997];CLO U T case No.230 [Oberlandesgericht Karlsruhe,Germany,25 June 1997](see ful l text of the deci-sion);CLO U T case No.214 [Handelsgericht des Kantons Zürich,Switzerland,5 February 1997](see ful ltext ofthe decision);CLO U T case No.206 [Cour de Cassation,France,17 December 1996](see ful ltext of the decision);CLO U T case No.409 [Landgericht Kassel,Germany,15 February 1996],also in Neue Juristische W ochenschri ft Rechtsprechungs-Re-port,1996,1146 f .;CLO U T case No.125 [Oberlandesgericht Ham m,Germany,9 June 1995];Rechtbank sGravenhage,the Netherlands,7 June 1995,Nederlands Internationaal Privaatrecht,1995,No.524;CLO U T case No.167 [Oberlandesgericht München,Germa-ny,8 February 1995](seeful ltext ofthe decision);CLO U T case No.48 [Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf,Germany,8 January 1993];ICC Court of Arbitration,award No.9187,avai la-ble on the Internet at http: //w w w.uni lex.info/case.cfm?pid=1 & do=case&id=466 &step=FullText;CL O U T case No.93 [Arbitration—Internationales Schiedsgericht der Bundeskam mer der gewerbl ichen Wirtschaft— Wien,15 June 1994].
[116]Schlechtriem/Ferrari,Kom mentar zumEinheitl ichen U N-Kaufrecht—CISG,Art.6,Rn.31;U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods,p.22.
[117]CL O U T case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano,Italy,12 July 2000];CL O U T case No.125 [Oberlandesgericht Ham m,Germany,9 June 1995];Landgericht Land-shut,Germany,5 Apri l 1995,Uni lex.
[118]CL O U T case No.136 [Oberlandesgericht Celle,Germany,24 M ay 1995](see fulltext of the decision).
[119][Oregon Court of Appeals,United States],12 Apri l 1995,133 Or.App.633(GPL Treatment Ltd.v.Louisiana-Pacific Group);Cour de Cassation,France,26 June 2001,avai lableonthe Internetathttp: //witz.jura.uni-sb.de/CISG/decisions/2606012v.htm;ICC Court of Arbitration,award No.8453,ICC Court of Arbitration Bulletin,2000,55.
[120]CL O U T case No.605 [Oberster Gerichtshof,Austria,22 October 2001],also avai lable on the Internet at http: //w w w.cisg.at/1 _7701g.htm.
[121]U N CIT R A L,Digest of Case Law on the United Nations Convention on the In-ternational Sale of Goods,p.23.