A Fisherman's Song on Lanxi Stream
Translated by Guo Zhuzhang
A cool, brow-shaped moon's hung on the tops of the bend willows,
The landscape of hills mirrored in the stream is clearly seen.
As a result of three days'spring drizzles on Lanxi streams,
At midnight carps jump again and again onto beaches.
(brow n.眉毛 drizzle n.毛毛细雨 carp n.鲤鱼)
The Boatman's Song on the Lanxi River
Translated by Witter Bynner
The cold moon above the willowy stream resembles a brow in shape,
As in a mirror is seen Yue's mountainous landscape.
For three days on the Lan fall rains of the blooming peaches,
And the carps at midnight gaily jump onto the beaches.
(gaily adv.快乐地)
The poem describes the charming landscapes on the Lanxi River on a spring evening and the fisherman's response to the scene. Gentle and graceful in style, the first two lines picture the moonlit trees, the willowy river and the green mountains reflected in the water. The“cold”reminds people of the lingering chilly spring and the word“mirror”, the calm river in the moonlight. However, the third and fourth lines describe that after a fall of spring rain, the river begins to teem with fish.
第一句A cool, brow-shaped moon's hung on the tops of the bend willows,可以理解为:A cool moon which is shaped like brow is hung on tops of the willows at the river bend(河湾处的柳树)。第二句The landscape of hills mirrored in the stream is clearly seen,可以理解为:The landscape of hills is seen clearly like a mirror。第三句中spring drizzles,春天的毛毛细雨,也就是“桃花雨”之意。第四句“半夜鲤鱼来上滩”,译文增加了again and again,似乎译者认为鲤鱼是反复地跳上河滩的。是耶非耶?读者可以自己理解。
英译二是美国诗人Witter Bynner翻译的,译文用词稍多,但比较忠实地表达出了原诗的意境和含义。The cold moon above the willowy stream resembles a brow in shape, As in a mirror is seen Yue's mountainous landscape,柳溪上空的凉月形状好像眉毛,就像越地的山色可以在镜子里看到。动词resemble(与……相像),用得很巧妙形象。第二句倒装,原文为:As Yue's mountainous landscape is seen in a mirror。
For three days on the Lan fall rains of the blooming peaches, And the carps at midnight gaily jump onto the beaches, “桃花雨”这里直译为rains of the blooming peaches,这句是倒装,原句是:Rains of the blooming peaches fall for three days on the Lan, And the carps jump gaily onto the beaches at midnight。译文增加了gaily,显得很有喜感:鲤鱼在半夜快乐地跳到沙滩上。
“桃花雨”译为spring drizzles或rains of the blooming peaches,哪个更贴切?