Chapter 2 Non-communicable diseases and related risk factors
In 2015,there were 44,219 cases with newly-diagnosed malignant tumor in the household registered population in Beijing.The crude incidence was 330.17/105 with an increase of 0.59%over 2014.From 2006 to 2015,the age-standardized incidence increased by 1.6% annually in average.Among newly-diagnosed males with malignant tumors,lung cancer ranked the first and followed by colorectal cancer,gastric cancer,liver cancer,and prostatic cancer.And among their female counterparts,breast cancer took the first place,then followed by lung cancer,thyroid cancer,colorectal cancer, and uterine cancer.
The age-standardized incidence of acute coronary events in 2015 was 215.68/105 in the permanent residents aged 25 and over.The admission rate of acute myocardial infarction was 139.10/105.There were 69,234 cases of acute stroke(514.68/105);and the number of acute stroke events was 77,457(575.81/105).The 30-day mortality of hospital inpatients with acute stroke was 3.35%,and the hospital mortality was 2.51%.
Among the permanent residents between 18 and 79 years-old,the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 25.5%,with 25.7% in men and 25.3% in women;and 26.4% and 24.1% in urban and suburban areas,respectively.
In 2016,the prevalence of current smoking was 22.3% in residents aged 15 and over,at a declination of 4.7% since 2014.The prevalence for daily smoking was 19.2%,lowered by 7.2% than in 2014.