7.3 Accessories and Devices of Flue Gas/Air Ducts,Fuel/Bulk Material Pipes
7.3.1 The installation of the dampers,the inserting plates and the operating devices shall meet the following requirements:
1 Inspection shall be carried out before the erection of the dampers and the inserting plates.If necessary,they shall be disassembled for maintenance.The shaft seals or the sealing surfaces shall be complete.The shaft end shall be permanently marked corresponding to the actual position.The opening and closing shall be flexible and the closing shall be tight.All plates of multi-axis dampers shall be operated synchronously with the same opening angle to meet the design requirements.The expansion clearance shall meet the drawing requirements.
2 The deflection angle of two levers connected with the universal joint for the actuating mechanism shall not exceed 30°.
3 The operating handle or handwheel for the actuating mechanism shall be so installed that clockwise turning is to close.And the operation shall be flexible and reliable.
4 The operating device shall be equipped with the Opening and Closing marks,as well as the fully opening and closing limiting device.The opening indication shall be obvious and clear,and consistent with the actual situations.
7.3.2 The erection of compensators shall meet the following requirements:
1 The protection measures for the compensator shall be taken during transportation,storage and erection.
2 The enough expansion clearance shall be reserved according to the design requirements of the erection of sleeve type expansion joints.
3 The cold drawing(compression)value for the corrugated compensator shall meet the design requirements.The opening direction for the guide plates shall be consistent with the medium flow direction.The welding shall be firm and without jam fault.
4 During the erection of non-metallic compensators,it shall be ensured that the installation direction and clearance of guide plates shall meet the drawing requirements.There shall be enough expansion space and the sealing shall be complete.
5 The temporary fixing parts for the compensators(expansion joints)shall be removed before the sub-section trial operation.
6 The butt joint of the corrugated compensators shall meet the following requirements:
1)The zone within the scope of 20mm from the both side of the crater shall be polished cleanly before the butt joint operation.
2)The whole argon arc welding technology should be adopted for the butt joint so as to ensure the welds shall be tight and beautiful.
7 The welding and butt joint of the metal frame for the non-metallic compensator and the erection of the cover(sealing)skin and the stuffing material shall meet the requirements of the manufacturer's technical documents.
7.3.3 The erection of air locks shall meet the following requirements:
1 Before the erection of air locks,inspection shall be carried out.If necessary,air locks shall be disassembled for maintenance.The contact in the sealing of the flap or the conical plug shall be even with the proper clearance.The operation shall be flexible.The balance weight shall be moved easily on the lever.
2 When installing with the inclined pipe,flap type air lock shall be used and the lever shall be horizontally positioned.The conic plug of cone-type air lock equipped on the vertical pipe shall be vertical.
3 Before the erection of electric air locks,all clearances shall be checked according to the drawing requirements.The trial rotation inspection shall be carried out to ensure the operation shall be flexible,and the installation position and direction shall be correct.
7.3.4 The erection of the explosion vent shall meet the following requirements:
1 Before the erection of the explosion vent,the thickness of explosion membrane shall be checked and the fabrication shall meet the design requirements.
2 The position and direction of vent pipes shall be noticed so that in case of explosion,no injury or fire occurs.And the design requirements shall be met.
3 When installed outdoors,the explosion vents shall have at least 45° upward inclination angle.Appropriate corrosion protection measures shall be taken for the membrane.
7.3.5 The erection of the CFB cyclone separator shall meet the following requirements:
1 Before the erection of cyclone separators,the counting and inspection shall be carried out.Alloy components shall pass PMI(positive material identification)and be marked.and the corresponding locations shall be marked.There shall be no lack of weld,pore,crack,sand inclusion or other defects in the welds.And the inspection shall meet the requirements of Table 7.3.5-1.
Table 7.3.5-1 Inspection of cyclone separator(mm)

2 The assembly and erection requirements of cyclone separators are listed as follows:
1)The erection ellipticity deviation,the elevation deviation and so on for the separator cylinder shall meet the requirements of Table 7.3.5-2.The clearance between the connecting segments shall be even.The inlet and outlet shall be neatly processed.
2)The erection elevation deviation,levelness deviation and width deviation of support ring in the cylinder shall meet the manufacturer's requirements.
3)The arrangement of supports shall be correct with the reasonable limit.
Table 7.3.5-2 Allowable deviation for the assembly and erection of cyclone separator(mm)

7.3.6 The erection of steam air heater shall meet the following requirements:
1 The installation position and direction of steam air heater shall meet the design requirements.
2 The leak-test pressure for water side of steam air heater shall comply with the requirements of the manufacturer's technical documents.If there is no specific requirement,hydrostatic test shall be carried out under 1.25times the work pressure.
7.3.7 The erection of the loop seal shall meet the following requirements:
1 The longtiduial and transverse center deviation,the elevation deviation and the concentricity deviation relative to the cyclone separator cone section of the cylinder shall meet the requirements of Table 7.3.7.
2 The installation position shall be correct and the cone contact shall be in good condition.
3 The support arrangement shall be correct with the reasonable limit.
4 The installation positions of accessories(such as blowing holes,manholes and so on)shall be correct.Their opening and closing shall be flexible,and the sealing shall be tight.
Table 7.3.7 Allowable deviation of the erection of loop seal(mm)

7.3.8 The erection of ash control valves shall meet the following requirements:
1 The internal cleanness inspection shall be carried out before the erection of ash control valve,and the opening and closing shall be flexible.
2 The installation position and direction of the ash control valve shall be correct.The opening shall meet the requirements and the operation shall be convenient.