Carry out the following steps for adding manual catalogs:
- Click on the main Add button.
- Click on Catalog.
- In the Select a catalog type menu list, scroll down and click on Manual Catalog.
- Type the name of your new category in the Name: block.
- Click on OK.
The new category now appears in the Project Library, as shown in the following screenshot (we've added Food as the category):

Now, an extra step is required. You can tag foods (as in our example) in the script, but you will need to save it as one of the predefined categories. Let's say we have apples and oranges as part of the plot. We save them as Props.
Go to Master Catalog and you'll see apples and oranges listed as Props. Select these by clicking on them (holding down Ctrl for PC or the Command key on Mac lets you select more than one at a time). Drag these selection(s) to Food. Double click on Food and we find our food props now listed. Single click on one of these and blocks appear where various details may be entered, just like it did with characters as we saw earlier.
In the Scenes Used In: block, Celtx now tracks the scenes in which these items are used. We can add any number of Manual Catalogs needed in this manner. Unlike characters, props must always be put into the catalog manually. Currently, there is no automatic insertion of any elements in the catalog, but speaking characters.
So the Master Catalog lets us both develop and track (in an ongoing creative manner) characters and thirty-five other predefined categories. The Manual Catalog feature gives us the option of adding literally hundreds of other automatically tracked categories. Are we starting to see the power of Celtx already? Yes. We are.