Joomla! 1.5: Beginner's Guide

Time for action—create a Contact Form menu link

Now that a contact exists you can add a link to a contact form to the main menu:

  1. Navigate to Menus | Main Menu.
  2. Click on New.
  3. In the Select Menu Item Type list, select Contacts | Standard Contact Layout.
  4. Enter a Title for the menu item (for example, Contact).
  5. In the Parameters-Basic section, in the Select Contact drop-down box select the contact you just created: SRUP Staff.
  6. In the Parameters (System) section, add a Page Title (for example, Get in touch).

    This will be displayed at the top of the form.

  7. Click on Save. The site now has a Contact menu link that displays a contact form:

What just happened?

You have used the Contacts Component to create a contact and added a menu link to a contact form. Again you have experienced how powerful menu links are in Joomla!. Just by selecting the Menu Item Type: Standard Contact Layout you have created a menu link that takes the visitor to a contact form page.

Add a Poll

The SRUP people would like to enable a bit of user interaction on their site. They suggest adding a poll, a simple survey of one multiple-choice question. In Joomla!, the polling functionality is built-in.