Technical requirements
You will need the following to successfully execute the recipes in this chapter:
- Python 3.7+
- The Python pyalgotrading package ($ pip install pyalgotrading)
The latest Jupyter Notebook for this chapter can be found on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Python-Algorithmic-Trading-Cookbook/tree/master/Chapter02.
This chapter demonstrates the APIs of a modern broker, ZERODHA, which is supported by pyalgotrading. You may wish to choose other brokers supported by pyalgotrading as well. The recipes in this chapter should be more or less the same for any other broker. The pyalgotrading package abstracts broker APIs behind a unified interface, so you don't need to worry about the underlying broker API calls.
To set up a broking account with ZERODHA, please refer to the detailed steps provided in Appendix I.